Anonymous ID: c94e93 Feb. 15, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.5194362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405 >>4462

Suicide Weekend?

On 9 Feb 2018, Q said that suicide weekend(s) were coming. One year on, and given the snowballing news that has been dropping, i wouldn't be surprised if Q's triple-use of [next week] in relation to suicide weekend meant that the next 3 weekends will be prime time for cabal suicides.


When i searched for [next week] on the board search site, there were a ton of posts by some all-caps shill trying to dishearten anons and/or muddy the waters by burying desirable search results with his own shillyness.


RIP all-caps anon. By all means, please do go gentle into that good night - with the light no longer dying, your rage services are no longer required.