Anonymous ID: 6ff6ea Feb. 15, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.5194779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4865 >>4975

Now we know why Democrats were smirking when President Trump talked about human trafficking during his State of the Union address,

The law that Trump just made the law of the land, forbids Immigration and Customs Enforcement from arresting anyone in possession of a child.

This means that illegal aliens not only get a free pass to walk in to our country, but it literally encourages them to take children to bring with them.

If the Democrats play this right, this one fact alone is going to cripple Trump's chances for re-election.


But possibly worse in the legislation he just signed is the provision that any local government can forbid construction of a border wall in its own jurisdiction.

This means that officials in counties and towns on the U.S.-Mexico border can create massive gaps in the wall.

In fact, if cartels and gangs wished to, they could simply pay off U.S. elected officials along the portions of the border they don't wanted obstructed.


Overall, therefore, President Trump just cucked himself and all of us.

The only question remaining is whether Q will show up to shed light on this disaster, or whether Q will show up with some mysterious photos to keep anons playing "Where's Waldo".