Nice job. I haven't decorated mine yet, but I'm already shopping for accessories.
There are endless possibilities if "we have it all" which is clearly a crock of shit or Trump wouldn't have been backed into a corner and signing off on amnesty and the end of America.
Please note this example of a clingerfag. A clingerfag spouts nonsensical Q soundbites that don't stand up to scrutiny, or worst yet, when objective evidence exists to the contrary.
See any nigs in the pics?
Dilley - LOL!
He should be pistol-whipped for his prediction that it would come out that King Nig stole the 2012 election with irrefutable proof provided by NSA.
I do believe he had good intentions (who knows?) but he's comped as fuck now and has renigged on every major campaign promise. All he's really done is expand business. Nothing more has been done. Also, the NDAA used to violate our Constitutional rights was expanded by him and quietly reauthorized without any discussion.
You misquoted me, douche. He expanded business in our nation, removed regs, etc. I didn't say he expanded HIS business.