Gold shall destroy the Fed.
Lady RothsChild-Diddler picture from Q only had "Gold" as text. They are the Y-head family and have much influence on the world via their central banking system.
The Rothschilds run the BIS, Bank of International Settlements (central bank of central banks). The BIS Basel III rules kick in April first, which will leave the physical gold as a tier 1 asset with no risk, but change paper gold to no longer tier 1.
The Fed may be forced to scramble for gold that they squandered into the market and deepstate hands.
Gold may end the Fed as a result of the Rothschilds being forced to cut of an arm to save relevance.
We may see central banks start picking up their gold buying pace, such as China publicly adding to gold reserves over the past 2 months after a 1.5-2 year break (was adding behind the scenes the whole time).
Gold is in direct opposition to the banksters. It is money, not currency that they can print.