Anonymous ID: 094f1d Feb. 15, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.5198811   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8850

Security guard at LA synagogue arrested for shooting YouTube personality

Edduin Zelayagrunfeld says he fired warning shot at the ground after Zhoie Perez refused to stop filming outside Etz Jacob Congregation


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police arrested a security guard on suspicion of shooting a self-described First Amendment activist after the two engaged in a videotaped confrontation outside a Los Angeles synagogue and school.


Edduin Zelayagrunfeld, 44, was arrested Thursday for investigation of assault with a deadly weapon, police said. It was unclear if he has an attorney.


The video shot with a smartphone by Zhoie Perez shows the guard telling bystanders he did not shoot her and instead fired a “warning shot” at the ground when she refused to stop filming outside the Etz Jacob Congregation/Ohel Chana High School.


Perez is heard swearing and grimacing in pain after a gunshot. A paramedic who examines her leg tells her the bullet did not create an entry wound.


She later told reporters that she suffered a “deep graze” to her leg.


Perez posted the video, nearly 40 minutes long, on her YouTube Channel Furry Potato Live, where she offers videos that push the bounds of her First Amendment rights by sometimes engaging police officers in generally polite but pointed confrontations.


She told reporters she was just capturing the synagogue’s interesting appearance Thursday when she encountered the guard.


“The guard came out and just started freaking out, started putting his hand on his gun,” she said.


Zelayagrunfeld, who is seen on the video in uniform drawing his gun and pointing it toward the ground, remained behind the synagogue’s security gates during the confrontation. Perez was on the street outside the gates.


He tells a bystander on the video that he thought Perez was trying to break in and warned her repeatedly to leave.


“I shot at the floor,” Zelayagrunfeld continues as the bystander tells him to put the gun away, adding he’s still being filmed.


The synagogue is located in the city’s heavily Jewish Fairfax District. The community has been on edge since a man shouted religious epithets and tried to run down two men outside another synagogue last November.


Mohamed Mohamed, 32, has pleaded not guilty to assault with a deadly weapon and hate crime charges in that incident.


After police arrived Thursday, Perez put her phone down and continued to record. She told officers at one point she is transgender and did not want to be handcuffed.


When a police officer asks her if she wants to be searched by a man or woman, she responds, “I don’t need your attitude, lady, I just got shot.”




you let the snake in, it's going to bite

Welcome to (((America)))

Anonymous ID: 094f1d Feb. 15, 2019, 5:48 p.m. No.5199026   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9086


There was, however, moar of this BULLSHIT though.


>New US spending bill includes $200m increase in defense aid to Israel

Legislation signed by Trump to avoid second government shutdown adds to $3.8b earmarked by Obama administration in 2016


A new spending bill signed Friday by US President Donald Trump to prevent another government shutdown over border funding allocates an additional $200 million increase in defense assistance to Israel.


The provision tucked in the 1,159-page bill goes beyond the $3.8 billion in funds already designated for security assistance to Israel under the 2016 memorandum of understanding between the Obama White House and Netanyahu government.


February 15, 2019. (Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP)


A new spending bill signed Friday by US President Donald Trump to prevent another government shutdown over border funding allocates an additional $200 million increase in defense assistance to Israel.


The provision tucked in the 1,159-page bill goes beyond the $3.8 billion in funds already designated for security assistance to Israel under the 2016 memorandum of understanding between the Obama White House and Netanyahu government.


The standoff over border funding had led to the longest government shutdown in US history, and to avoid another, Trump on Friday reluctantly signed the funding bill that included just $1.4 billion of the $5.7 billion he had demanded to build a wall along the southern border.


Rest at sauce.



Why do we keep funding Isreal?

Why do we keep funding Isreal?

Why do we keep funding Isreal?

Why, Q?

Why do we keep funding Isreal?

Anonymous ID: 094f1d Feb. 15, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.5199152   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9194 >>9216


Could be.

Gold will destroy the FED.

I know for a fact POTUS has been 'long-gaming' those fuckers since at least the 80's.

This could be the greatest con of all time.

If it habbens, DJT will officially be God Emperor.

He can be King of the Brave New Republic for the duration of his lifetime.

Then pass on to DJT Jr.