Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.5200079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0109

>>5199604 (pb)

dark field energy.


It's not mysterious at all…it's not magic…but it IS DNA…if you don't have it, ain't no amount of money gonna give "the ability" to you…if you do have it…well..after so long, hermiting is about your only option…that and NEVER, EVER taking a DNA test.

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.5200092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0119 >>0794

>>5199559 (pb)


Along those lines. Lets just say when I see something the way I do, the only thing in question is WHEN not if. Not even once does it "miss"


…we had a MASSIVE timeline shift with Trump's election. So massive that I can't even wrap my brain around it…because SHE was supposed to win, it was already carved in stone. I've been working on a theory of how…but until that happened i can honestly say I didn't much believe in timeline shifts…but I'm a believer now.


Trump is of the red headed people…and believe me, Israel is NO friend to him…but that's a story for another day.

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.5200108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0277

>>5199731 (pb)


that would have been me. Since then they have upped and expanded their protection…so i only post when I repeatedly get something over a period of days which means the protection squad have't spotted it and I say something.


I have no wish or desire to be involved any more than this and no desire to be known. IFYWIM.


**sorry trying to answer the questions before bugging out of here again.

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.5200140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5199733 (pb)




I always know when a threat I see is caught and only post when something has flown under the radar…and…every. single. time….every single time…they have sorted it within the following two weeks of my posting…and I have NEVER said who I "saw" in one of my cautions…and yet…within two weeks he was gone from the inner circle and…even though most ANON just love his ass…KEK…what remains beneath the surface must remain…still tho….he is in a bit of very public hot water…I doubt his role will ever be revealed…ALTHOUGH… the product he provided is still in the wrong hands…or at least some of it. Perhaps there may have been a more interesting reason for the search…than what is publicly supposed.

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 6:51 p.m. No.5200187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5199943 (pb)

>Ok I kind of get that…


>Do u know anything about the LA "op"?


I usually don't pay attention to stuff like that because…well anyway…it was not "training" and we may never see any light on that beyond what we've already seen.


reason? even though precision op, it was still dangerous as fuck to civilians but vital to the mission. That shit went WAAAY deeper than what most are assuming. I usually only bother with unknown risks…I have an idea what that was about but it's actually of not real concern in my over all pic because…it's being "handled."

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.5200278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5199752 (pb)

>very based on talent and even every session is based on intent those that gave it and the one of the viewer.


>Three major filters for fleeting images. It is not quite science - not wrong just a lot of variables.

Yeah that's basically true for the scientific Staring at Goats version of RV…but not at all valid for dark field matter / energy manipulation. Some might call it a "mental" form of "time travel" but it's not….usually intent…for me intent would be "POTUS needs to be safe"…so every time there is a threat…one might say it gets "transmitted" to me…all thought is energy and creation….


there is more under the sun than man as conceived.


For me..when I take information and translate it into words and publish those words that are read in correct quarters the "thought" that goes into assessing what I said is "picked up by me".


The UK warning was super super important that they listen. They cancelled the trip, and from all I can tell sussed out the person…but when they announced the trip was back on…I did not feel they'd cleared all the threats…probably because I was picking up the intention of the SKY dude….because overall the trip felt safe.


It's strange how it works…if you've got it you really don't want to announce it…think those poor people wired up in the tanks in that pre crime movie the batshit insane Tom Cruise made.

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.5200432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0531


>Take care of yourself, anon



back atcha…I've been keeping the old head down and quite honestly was enjoying a fair on spot of peace in my valley :D but this one just wouldn't go's been nagging at me so…here I am.


I've no worries…due to my interbutz practices I know full well the right people know exactly who / where I am…and I also know they listen. beyond that I'd only freak the fuck out if I saw IT coming closer and closer and still not sussed out and stopped. I had a pretty rough time over the UK trip…after the initial cancellation I was like..WHEW…but I remained a bit on edge the entire trip…musta been that stupid sky guy and that was indeed a major gaff for security but it won't happen again.


You get to view multiple "scenarios" and the HIGH anxiety I get every time there's a threat…trust me you don't want to know about the world without Trump in it.


Only thing I can't sort is I see the Clinton's over and over and I've said this on here..I can NOT tell when…but I keep seeing ALL of them…ever last one of them…in a plane crash. I sorta thought maybe xmas because that would be the obvious time…but I did post that her and I was very specific….meaning for them I don't give a shit…I'll say it…I can only see all of them covered in blood. BUT…it wasn't too long after that two of them were flying commercial and not private and I had a mighty KEK cause I knew why. Not just white hats on here. that scenario is a bit fuzzier now tho….so will have to wait and see…this whole timeline shifting thing based on choice and outcome is very mysterious to me but I do see it in action….always learning!

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.5200472   🗄️.is 🔗kun



KEK i just love the amateur nutters and scammers. What you folks believe in is…well as daddy always said…it takes all kinds.


I know who I am. And as far as that goes, I am the only one that matters.

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 7:17 p.m. No.5200554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0642 >>0720


>I concur. The stream of history was forever changed…the night before the election I felt something..


Holy shit…exactly that. I was forbidden to participate AT ALL (aside from my civic duty to vote)…but I was watching TD the night of the election and could not even wrap my brain around what I was seeing! TD is under kike control now thus rendered useless for what these people were doing. It does go to show the human potential for collective energy manipulation. I sat there breathless…watching and reading and holding my breath because that fork in the road showed up for me as a choice between imperfect truth and willful ignorance.


I have to say I was gobsmacked because "people" rarely choose imperfect truth! Standing at the previously unseen fork in the road as Americans collectively made a completely different choice than we always have….I had tears as I watched holding my breath for humanity in the collective. This was our last chance…and holy fucking hell if we didn't take it!


The reset is still gonna be painful but we're in a much better position than we were before.

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.5200614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Detachment…yeah hermiting. It's not because I can't block it out but mostly because I've grown not to care…you have to grow not to care and to see each person in their own bubble. People have to save themselves but most of them are too sick to even try. Not my circus, not my monkeys.


KEK a friend tested me the other day…"which bones are broken" and I nailed every single one then was shown the xray…not only did I nail them I nailed the severity (meaning three were badly broken looked like ragged breaks and the other six were just snapped.


HAH stupid people tricks :D

Anonymous ID: a0a31e Feb. 15, 2019, 7:28 p.m. No.5200720   🗄️.is 🔗kun




see—–→ >>5200554


I think tending an energy garden….might be a great metaphor. But I don't see on here what I saw at half and TD on election night. There is zero comparable energy. Here is need, ego…desperation, pain, and despair mixed with hanging their hat on hope and basically doing nothing….but election night energy was freaking magical…I have never before seen and not seen anything remotely close to it since.