Anonymous ID: f7c8d9 Feb. 15, 2019, 7:18 p.m. No.5200571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I couldn't stand 5 seconds of hearing that pedo, CIAnigger, much less 5 minutes.

Tried doing the same digging with POTUS recently as opposed to my digging in 2016 and it appears certain things have been scrubbed.

I know he admitted early on in 2016 campaign that he took advantage of the laws to make money in business.

He's been "friends" with obvious bad actors in the past(one was even a business mentor of his).

Only logical to want to research, especially when he's depicted on illuminati playing cards(1995), of whom the creator's house was raided by the FBI not long after releasing those cards.

Multiple subliminal/predictive programming hinting at him becoming POTUS in the past.

(((They]]] control the entire system. Outside of this plan, major agencies/foundations/etc were founded after 1776(when the illuminati was founded).

The only way to bring back the Republic is scattering them ALL to the wind.

And IDGAF, NSA needs to go to…along with the bullshit PATRIOT ACT.(Slap in the fukken face name)

If this plan doesn't deliver fully, I will rather die on my feet than be a slave to the system anymore.