Anonymous ID: 9f9474 Feb. 16, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.5206477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502 >>6520 >>6539

Thanks anon for the Rush post past bread.

Read it, watch the bot shills. Every single one is saying precisely what Rush predicted.

MUH fuck Trump!

MUH Sellout Trump

MUH Amnesty Trump


I ain't voting for Trump cause he signed this. MUH ANGRY.


Anons know, the war is a long hard slog. Find the good, watch POTUS and FIGHT! Get out the good message and drown out the shills. I mean, Jesus H Fucking Christ! The Dims are tearing themselves about and lurching so far left that Trotsky's thinking they're going too far, and we're supposed to blame POTUS for this shit bill that the asswholes in Congang just passed?

Fuck those chumps, especially the long term Repubs. Pound on those sons a bitches that voted FOR this slag and let them know THEY ARE FUCKING DONE! Get behind POTUS or GTFO in 18 months!

As for the demons, do the same. SPAM the fuck out of them. REEEEEEE at them for this shit until they are afraid to appear on TV because of all the HATE that will come there way. This shit works both ways. We might not be able to crack their social circle jerks where they spooge on each other orgasming about their desired destruction of this country. But we can make them keep their fucking heads down in public. If they can't lie and propagandize to the public well, then they're gonna get BTFO'd in 18 months.

No one wins a war by walking away from a general after a difficult battle, they win the war by making the other poor dumb bastards walk away from their general. Get your fucking morale up! Q is back in a big way. The shills spewing Trump hate are as organic as Monsanto, and we have the brains, our country's survival, our hearts, our kids and our families to take care of.

We will fight them here. We will fight them on Twat. We will fight them on Faceplant. We will extol our virtue and righteousness across the internet. We will never surrender!