>Trust The Plan …
I will, but I'd like to make sure We end up ok.
Hi People… what is the 2nd Amendment for, and how do We The People exercise that particular right?
America is being invaded by (pick a country X.
Overwhelming numbers of illegal invaders from X are being released (Red Dawn style) onto Our turf. It's unknown if they are here to do Our country any good… but, they don't appear friendly, and We don't understand what they are saying/doing here. We are getting several reports that the illegal invaders/attackers from X are harming/killing innocent Americans all over the country.
When would it be rational to pick up Our "Freedom Sticks" and start neutralizing the attack/invasion? Do We need to rely on, or wait for Our government to give Us the go ahead? If We are ever in such a state of emergency, how do We know when We are able to legally protect Ourselves and Our country… while still being protected by the right described in the 2nd amendment?