Someone remember around where the pic of the mall storefront in the Q posts were?
This is an 'anonymous' board. No such thing as reputation.
All they have to do is convince you your method is bad - have a handful of bots support that your method is bad - and 1 post with seemingly legit lead to redirect the board.
don't be stupid anons. They are PROFESSIONAL BULL SHIT ARTISTS.
This is not a game. Play the game with us.
how could they possibly think of everything anon? except if we keep telling them what we find
W/F experiencing it now.
I've had a ridiculous cough for almost 3 weeks.
Was digging on melanin yesterdayโฆ It's located in the MOST IMPORTANT PLACES of our body. Skin. Inner ear, eyes, and your brain.
The distractions apparently affect black peeople even more significantly because of the abundance of it. They are in for an awesome awakening
Wing expansion already happening in my meditation.
I assumed cough was a cleansing going on .
I literally used to fight it when I was a kid. I can vividly remember trying to hold it in and it's HARD.