"Let’s be clear about what the “deal” being voted on yesterday afternoon does – it funds Big Government and gives globalist corporations more cheap immigrant labor, and it ties President Trump’s hands, making it harder to secure our southern border."
It has long been obvious that corporations are behind the push for more immigration. It is not a GOP vs. Democrat issue. That is a smokescreen (imo). Corporations want more consumers and a large pool of cheap labor. Think about why certain politicians are so rabid re. not wanting to restrict immigration. Should we really believe they are so rabid because they are personally overwhelmed with heartfelt compassion re. people who want to pour into this country illegally and take advatage of its generosity in what ways they may. Many of those politicians live behind gates and/or walls and/or locked doors and wouldn't let illegal immigrants set foot on their property… unless it is to mow their lawn on the cheap. This is about corporations, and they are out to make as much money as they can… even if it forever changes the landscape of this country. Corporate execs and Wall Street execs are among the greediest SOBs ever to set foot on this planet… and Hank Paulson is probably still laughing his *** off re. how he got Congress to fund TARP. We have all been duped.
20 minutes ago
Excellent post John Law ! Yep, Ann Coulter is 1000% correct, we've been played by Trump, and all of our politicians. They are doing to us what they did to Europe on a slow scale . Cheap slave labor coming in will forever keep their labor costs low, their profits high, illegals/Democrat voters taking over, our wages low, and the Globalists in power.
Our politicians have given a loud and clear signal that they will not under any circumstances fulfill or carry out their oaths of office.
I too was like Ann, an ardent Trump supporter. But since Trump refuses to lock anyone up for sedition, treason and conspiracy, we have a banana republic. Him totally folding AGAIN like a house of cards, on border control is a loud and clear message to We The People. Our only option is to remove our government by force to change things.