Part 1/2
Yes it is that bad in some places, I have seen it with my own eyes. This girl has people breaking into her house, drugging her food, and she was raped, and there is literally nothing local PD can do for her, because they are under as much coverage as she is, and every move they make, the conspiracy sees it ahead of time and is able to get ahead of them. And as you can see, she is not alone, it is not just there, and there are much, much worse stories out there, if my surmises are correct, because there is a serial killer in their ranks and they are running cover for him, perhaps on orders because he is high ranking in the hierarchy. There is evidence that it is a multinational conspiracy that crosses national borders, and has managed to subvert the highest levels of our government. I have not been saying there are no rules, or the idea of America was a myth for no reason. When it comes down to it, we cannot protect our women and children, the Police cannot protect our women and children, and if it were not for Trump, I am not sure that could ever have been dealt with. Because nobody knows who is at the top of this, or what to do about it. All that we who know can say is the government you elected was a mirage, the Constitution was a lie, and we lived in the most corrupt dictatorship in the world until Trump. Be grateful the Myth survived in the hearts of some Patriots who had managed to get to a place where they could make a difference. Without all of them, starting with Trump, this nation had already been lost.
Sometimes, I will roll back time and start at a plausible known point of reality, before rolling it forward and seeing where it would have gone logically. I did this recently and came up with a strange alternate reality, which kind of fit with Q constantly asking, “What is treason?” Start before 1900. Anytime. We are a growing superpower, without a functional intelligence service, that welcomes any immigrant. What are the chances, a foreign entity in Europe would launch spies over here, as immigrants, with the goal of elevating their spies into positions of power, with an eye to eventually taking our country over? I think pretty high, if you view it from the perspective of a seasoned spy in Europe, for whom that type of thing is his stock and trade.
Move forward, and now they have managed to infiltrate tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, gain prominent positions, install their people as our richest businessmen, or become our richest businessmen themselves. They have children, and the children have to be read in on the family business, and the fact it is us vs them. It is a secret that it would be pretty easy to keep. Nobody wants to tell a friend who is an American, “Oh, and by the way I am a foreign traitor who is part of a plot to hijack America.” There are benefits to be had by keeping your tongue, and even if somebody talks, you control the media.
The ancestral lines continue to grow, and some people notice a strange tendency of all the famous people’s lineage to track back to elite European families, but everyone blows that off by saying anybody’s lineage would look like that if you go far enough back. Time goes on and they multiply, a secret society within America, devoted to control, all in on the secret. They recruit some foreigners, mostly because they need eyes and ears inside various communities, and those families become part of the Secret Society. The kids probably have some America bleed into them through osmosis, but they always know they are different, and the others would not understand, especially since their kind controls all the levers of power and decides all outcomes, in a nation where the lie of freedom is kept only to pacify the plebes. We form intelligence agencies, but because they were in control before, they just take them over, and try to make sure no plebes ever get into any position to do anything about it. Things escalate, and they begin to extend their control by putting all of their people to work in their spare time monitoring the American plebes in regular society, both running coverage themselves, and recruiting assets/acolytes who will run it for them. Files begin to form on everyone, and any American who is a little too committed to the Myth, or active in areas around the areas of control gets extra attention.