Anonymous ID: da8a7f Feb. 16, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.5208044   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Kustoff Amendment to HJ Res 37, the bill purporting to withdraw U.S. from Yemen. Good arguments exist that it wouldn't actually do anything, but check out this amendment, passed 424-0, with 3 voting "present":


The bill as amended is on the way to the Senate, perhaps won't pass.


They took a poorly written bill to withdraw us from Yemen, and turned it into a call to arms against worldwide antisemitism.


(11) It is in the national security interest

of the United States to combat anti-Semi-

tism around the world because—

(A) anti-Semitism is a challenge to the

basic principles of tolerance, pluralism, and

democracy, and the shared values that bind

Americans together;

(B) there has been a significant amount of

anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hatred that

must be most strongly condemned; and

(C) there is an urgent need to ensure the

safety and security of Jewish communities,

including synagogues, schools, cemeteries,

and other institutions.

(12) It is in the foreign policy interest of

the United States to continue to emphasize

the importance of combating anti-Semitism

in our bilateral and multilateral relations,

including with the United Nations, European

Union institutions, Arab League, and the Or-

ganization for Security and Cooperation in


(13) Because it is important to the national

security interest of the United States to

maintain strong bipartisan support for

Israel, the only democracy in the Middle

East, all attempts to delegitimize and deny

Israel’s right to exist must be denounced and


(14) It is in the national security interest

of the United States to oppose restrictive

trade practices or boycotts fostered or im-

posed by any foreign country against other

countries friendly to the United States or

against any United States person.