>all the info that you have about the treason and terrible things that have been done by the evil CABAL
Yeah, let's clarify something for the newfags:
If Q Team had actually had such info, they obviously would have dropped, leaked, a bit of it before the last election so Trump would not have lost the House.
A photo, a video, some documents, anything.
In fact, just a tad of incriminating info, leaked so that normies would learn about it, would have destroyed the Democrat Party AND the "NeverTrump" GOP, simply by tarnishing the reputations of the elites.
The fact there was no "public reveal" tell us either that Donald Trump is stupid, or else Q was not being truthful when he said he had such evidence.
And I think it is pretty obvious that President Trump is the smartest person to hold that office in decades.
So Q was lying about what Q Team "has" - doesn't make Q evil, just means that those bluffs were part of the operation.
Long time anons know this already, newfags should learn it so you are not sitting here waiting for drops that will never come - and also know that President Trump is going to have one hell of a political battle next year, so people who want to see another Trump term should be doing normal political advocacy instead of sitting here daydreaming about bullshit like pedovores, adrenochrome, indictments, and celebrities going to Gitmo.