Several bomb scares, a number of actual train accidents including a woman leaving her car across the tracks (getting out and leaving it there), it getting hit and knocking the train off the tracks leading to massive damage and several deaths, she's not even charged with anything serious and later mentions suing the municipality for not giving her enough warning lights or something. This happened about 2 years ago.
A driver of a commuter train with decades of experience "spaced out" and barrelled into a tight turn at full speed and derailed the train in the Bronx.
At least 2 trains in NJ run full speed into terminal stations, crash into barrier at end of tracks. Also with the past couple years.
None of this during Trump's time, I think it was all Obama. But I can't remember all the actual bombs, threatened bombs etc. and I certainly don't know the ones that were avoided by good work of NYPD and others.