As msm continues to bash POTUS, they also continue pieces on “fake QAnon”, “Q cult”, “latest from hoaxer”, “Russian bot”, “larp, “place your excuse here”.
They will not tie them together. Why? This would help them if fake. Q has now, twice, placed drops with conversations, conversations with the President of the United States of America. Q has now twice, given drops, as if the President is in on this. Clearly, for all to read.
And not a single reporter, journalist, news host, etc has put the two, linked them together and tried to ridicule POTUS for a conspiracy theory.
No one will
Ask why Q is claiming Donald Trump is part of this
They won’t. They read every drop and debunk everything Q says. They attack everything we think. Every suggestion we make. And we fail to see this obvious elephant in the room. They one thing they have turned a blind eye to.
Not a single reporter in the entire world has tried to ask why Donald Trump is supposedly being linked to the biggest conspiracy in the history of mankind. But they have articles dedicated to debunking everything else.
They won’t ask. Because if they ask. POTUS will be forced to provide proof. And again, for you concernfags and shills, if it was bullshit, then calling this out would be a fool proof way of ensuring POTUS did not get re-elected. If this was a hoax and they exposed it as such, that would be it.
But they can’t. So they don’t acknowledge. We have more than we know!