Anonymous ID: 2d5e22 Feb. 16, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.5210287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

saw the cozen & oconner notable and need to tell this tale

ok anons this wont dox me but may dox a certain judge i used to be good friends with - karma is a bitch

knew this fella is early law practice and we were very close

he worked for a well know but purely local law firm and i was in private solo practice

very smart and engaging - from ivy league law school too

he swithced to cozen never understood why but ok cool its step up maybe?

anyway i had perceived/knew he was gay and when the subject finally came up he was amazed i figured it out - kek it was obvious


but after that our frinedship went to zero - no confrontations or issue bit knew why - he didnt trust me to keep his secret

why he wanted to stay in the closet i didnt get until guess what?

a sorth while later he gets ushered into a major (elected) judge position in this high tech cabal city

coincidence? hardly LOL

this is the way they roll

cant wait for it to be all stopped

Anonymous ID: 2d5e22 Feb. 16, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.5210445   🗄️.is 🔗kun


lawfag here

lawfag from the libtard crowd giving us a preview of their legal arguments

the law is an ass

expression made for such occasions

they will lose

Anonymous ID: 2d5e22 Feb. 16, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.5210562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0572


when i graduated law school i went to london

the seat of our legal system

sat in the judges chair at old bailey

wow was i proud

that was 1980

by 2005 i knew the system was corrupt and dropped out 100%

cane back in when POTUS won


Anonymous ID: 2d5e22 Feb. 16, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.5210820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0856 >>0861


anons - i took the list of Talmud quotations posted here and sent them to Chabad for comment - my request and Rabbi response posted below - the more you know…


Dear Ask the Rabbi - many comments about talmud online and i am unqualified to reply - they select verses that look evil and i am certain it is lies and misleading - can you assist? here are the ones they repeat over and over: (i attached the whole list from Board posts but only repeat two here)




  1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”


  1. Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed

(you know the rest) Here is the Rabbi response:


I didn't go through the entire list, but I did look up the first two and I found nothing on those pages in the Talmud that say anything remotely like the quotes you sent. I would imagine that the same goes for the rest of them.


My suggestion to you is to not bother getting into conversations with people who will continue to twist and misquote our religion. There is really nothing to be gained.


All the best,


Rabbi (name omitted)



KEK - Rabbi said do not reply to shills!


hey fake and gay shitposter


how about ONE screenshot of ONE talmud verse from the source?




you couldnt find it with the book in your lap