Rome is now the epicenter of spygate.
The Brits/Australians already know we know what they did.
The Italians are trying to still cover it. @matteosalvinimi
Rome is now the epicenter of spygate.
The Brits/Australians already know we know what they did.
The Italians are trying to still cover it. @matteosalvinimi
>Q if you could not encourage people to commit vandalism that would be great thanks
Reasonable request as it could lead to arrests in some places
>No bitch, we are going to let the world know of the great awakening.
BO attacking anon for making reasonable comment
>I agree. We've got a bunch of mindless little shits on this board. This will help discredit this moment
I know of multiple people who have been turned off from the awakening because of behavior by some here
Q take a look at the comments regarding the BO
And just know there are people who refuse to be open to your information because of it
>Totally valid, check out the responses, looks like a cult, no reason, just emotion! Now MSM will have a field day with this!
Yep / there is the cult that will defend the BO here and NOT the information
Their priority is this Board and their way of functioning
Not the greater good and not ensuring that NEW people are awakened
Look at the comments to leave / agree with me or leave
Agree with me or I will SHAME you
Their attitude is counter productive to the Great Awakening
>NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born
Bread 6581
Did you know Before they called it Planned Parenthood, It was called the “Negro Project” ? Go ahead… Google it.
Bread 6581
“The Negro Project” Lives On Through Planned Parenthood
>so you're confirming to shills that behaving in an alleged "cult-like" manner works to make you doubt
>good job
Take it up with the Board Owner who attacks those that don't engage in group think