Anonymous ID: 0df676 Theory on Indictments and Timing Feb. 16, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.5210978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1005 >>1033 >>1105 >>1107 >>1134

Hey Q, Autists, Anons,


THEORY for your consideration to explain (a) why so many sealed indictments, (b) why is justice taking so long / why aren't we seeing big, public arrests? What if the vast number of sealed indictments aren't entirely (or even mostly) of Cabal Actors, Enforcers, Satanists, Child Traffickers and the like?


It's becoming clear that PDJT & team will not resort to autocratic methods in pursuit of justice. The whole goal is the RESTORATION OF THE RULE OF LAW. You cannot achieve that by making a bunch of exceptions, only applying the law to "the bad people," or making things up as you go along. You have to re-establish the real rules and then FOLLOW THEM.


So think about this: if the FBI, DOJ, and Hussein White House—our entire system of justice, top to bottom—were all as thoroughly corrupted as we're learning, then how many verdicts against dangerous criminals and criminal networks, for major crimes, might be overturned once the perversions of justice become public knowledge?


• Q: Given the above, how do we prevent a massive wave of dangerous convicts from pouring back out onto our streets when the Justice System itself is indicted?

• A: We need a metric buttload of new, clean, unassailable and unimpeachable convictions to replace the ones secured by the old, corrupt system.


This would also explain why we have to be SO. VERY. FREAKING. PATIENT. waiting for the Restoration of our Republic. We wouldn't be "home free" just by clearing up the cabal and disclosing all the secret space programs, hidden cures, 11 herbs and spices and the Neiman Markus cookie recipe. We need to secure our safety too, but this time, we need to do it through a JUST system.