Anonymous ID: 181548 Feb. 16, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.5211056   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>In this case, the executive branch wants to: (1) take governmental cash, (2) create its own law, (3) take away private property from American citizens (4) create its own federal works project.


>At least three of these functions fall within the power/ responsibility of the legislative branch. So, what is the problem? This is one of the most naked power grabs by the executive branch over the others in recent history. Once that power is exercised, it is going to be difficult or impossible to regain any balance again. The executive branch was never meant to have that much power (see our country's previous concerns about Kings and Dictators). Is this constitutional? Very doubtful. Should all Americans be concerned? That is a question for you to answer yourself.



Hold up

Trump said this would end up in the Supreme Court right?

What if the end goal is to get "national emergency" declarations ruled unconstitutional?

Which does what?

Voids all past declared "national emergencies" by CORRUPT administrations?


Then Trump turns around and uses seized drug money for the wall kek