Guys, i think we've been going about this the wrong way. Sure trust the plan, but that doesnt meanwe stand back and watch POTUS and Q do it alone. It also doesnt mean we spend all of our time reacting to whatever their newest piece of anti-American garbage is today. Best defense is a good offense. Its time we stop railing against what we dont want and take control, steering this country in the way she should go. They may block us but thats them reacting instead of us. Its a better place to be. Lets set some heroes up for the folks to look up to. Set some high ground to struggle towards. I admit i dont know who to hold up or what issues to run with, but we know what qualities are good and who should be praised. Lets try to grow instead of just not be overtaken. I dont know if its, exploring space or new medical breakthroughs, or our soldiers or even our helping our fellow americans. I mean lets pull the narrative for an achievement instead of a tragedy. Instead of a FF lets actually assemble back our local militias. Show them what men are and what men do and why being a man is a good thing. For as long as we play their game we will lose. We have to take the narrative and run with it. We can do this. Despite what they say, we are the majority.