Anonymous ID: 1816a9 Feb. 16, 2019, 4:05 p.m. No.5212482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2604 >>2796 >>3004 >>3094

Fear grips Kashmiris living in India after deadly suicide attack


India considers action against Pakistan after suicide attack

Anonymous ID: 1816a9 Feb. 16, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.5212552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2761



The threat is real and growing. It represents an ever present danger of cancerous decay from within our own society and is more of a threat than even nuclear war with Iran, North Korea, or Russia. This cancerous decay was predicted by our Founding Father and third president, Thomas Jefferson, and his co-colonial patriot Founding Father and second president, John Adams, who declared just days before signing the Declaration of Independence and that without ethics, morality and religion – I might add Judeo-Christian and other legitimate monotheistic religions (radical Islam was not what he had in mind) – it would not matter how many times we change our rulers or forms of government, there would not be a lasting liberty.


Both Jefferson and Adams understood that one day in the new nation’s future, we would again have to wage a second American revolution to clean house of the rats’ nest that would infest and embed itself in our government and society as a whole. We at Freedom Watch and in my private practice are steadfastly attempting, with support from patriots throughout the land, to do this peacefully and legally. But if we do not succeed, the masses could soon rise up and take matters into their own hands. This is what we are trying to head off.


This week we learned, not to our surprise I might add, that former and disgraced lying Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Andrew McCabe, conspiring with his chief, former FBI Director James Comey, and of course that pathetic creature who still lurks in the halls of my alma mater, which has become the “Department of Injustice,” Obama Deep State appointee Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, to wage a coup d’etat against the 45th president of the United States, one Donald J. Trump. Agreeing shortly after Trump was sworn in to have him removed under the 25th Amendment on the phony pretext that The Donald was a Russian agent and spy, on the grounds of his emotional instability, these criminals actually planned to have Rosenstein wear a wire to try to catch the president in some made-up traitorous act. This was all done secretly! It is reminiscent of the book and Hollywood film “Seven Days in May,” only this was real life and not a fictional attempt to remove our nation’s duly elected leader.


The evil and traitorous nature of this conspiracy – yes, our “leftist friends,” conspiracies do happen – provoked even Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, one of the few high-profile and intellectually honest leftists still alive, to declare this heinous conspiracy an attempted coup d’etat. Just watch the video embedded below:


Then there is the case of one Adam Schiff, the Democratic congressman from West Hollywood of all places, who this week opened up another “witch hunt,” pledging to get into The Donald’s finances to try to take him down.


Well, Mr. Schiff, regrettably chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Accordingly, this week I announced a Freedom Watch investigation into lying Schiff’s finances, starting with his financial disclosure filings with the Federal Election Commission and the House. No telling what we will find!


And last but not least there is radical Muslim congresswoman, rabid anti-Jew, anti-Israel and anti- Christian hater from Minnesota, who reportedly married her own brother to fraudulently become a U.S. citizen after she emigrated from Somalia. See “Minnesota House Hopeful Call Marriage fraud claims lies,” Associated Press, Oct. 17, 2018. Of course, this is not surprising since it is not in dispute that the Prophet Muhammad was involved in some questionable marriages. Omar was apparently just obeying the will of Muhammad, who not coincidentally preached that it is OK to lie to further the mission of Islam, whose goal is to further the destruction infidels – meaning you and me.


In this case, watch what Freedom Watch does as again the establishments of both political parties, and their law enforcement arms, will do nothing – for fear of being branded bigots against Muslims. As was true of Obama and the fraudulent birth certificate he used to obtain a U.S. passport – which remains pending to this day and has never been ruled upon – Freedom Watch and I will be preparing and filing a complaint to be filed before the Department of Homeland Security to have Omar deported back to Somalia, where she can feel most at home. Perhaps the Trump DHS will finally act. Listen to my weekly radio show, which is posted at to learn more about and support this needed action.


It is time for We the People to step up to the plate and peacefully and legally take down the McCabes, Comeys, Rosensteins, Schiffs and Omars of this world, before their cancerous evil destroys the fabric of our republic