Anons, we just witnessed a most terrible thing with POTUS having to sign that travesty of a spending bill. But what it truly revealed was the depth of corruption that riddles the halls of our government. When I read this: “Washington Post Democrats Hid Their Border Security Wins from Trump”
I literally wanted to be sick. These people are no friends of the American People – whether they be democrat or republican. They are turn-coats of the same color. The depth of their betrayal is visible to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
This has taught POTUS much and I doubt if he will forget this betrayal. “Trump Talks About Fighting the Swamp “I Am Learning’
We truly are at war and the deep state has dug in like ticks feeding off the lifeblood of this nation. They must be removed by any and every means necessary. This is a war of epic proportions. We must remain steadfast. We must stand beside this man, who has given up all, to lead us from the darkness of a history not of our choice and onto a path lit with new possibilities and out from the yoke of a socialist nightmare. Here is a list of some of the socialist and communist traitors to the constitution and sovereignty of this great nation. “Trevor Loudons 2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress’
Let us bow our heads and dig anons and shine a light into the darkness…. For there are more out there.
POTUS, you do not walk alone.