Anonymous ID: 39a4fe Feb. 16, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.5215083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Soooooo the California train debacle which has been floating around in the country's consciousness for a while was used to spark a rift between fraudulently elected Gov. Newsom and GEOTUS prior to the NE declaration which is now surfacing as an even bigger challenge between the two, kind of a punch counter-punch situation which is escalating into a brawl to be settled in courts. (If this doesn't have WWE writing all over it…) This will crush California political prowess which is already mocked by sane Americans yet floats as an institution of substance due to (fraudulent) voting patterns. It's another battle to wake normies. Young dim dems want a green new deal and high speed trains. California gives money to itself from tax payers, doesn't pay to build the thing, doesn't give it back to government. Trump appears like an adult. Newsom appears like a child. Dim dems get to flip on their own state. No more fraudulent voting. California goes red in 2020. Wall is more important than we know. It's a fulcrum in the Great Awakening on many fronts.


If Newsom isn't enough, Kamala Willie Brown Harris is also on the main stage running for el presidente. Californian politicians are forced to embarrass themselves.