Anonymous ID: af2610 Feb. 16, 2019, 6:49 p.m. No.5214760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Muhjewshill COUNT update from lb…


There were exactly 5 muhjewshills lb.


Out of the thousands and thousands of anons, there are only 5 muhjewshills.


They are LOUD. They have a very high post numbers, but please remember…there is only 5 of them. Since I started the muhjewshill COUNT ( on Feb 13th) there have only been 5 at the most, in each bread.

I bet its the same 5 people ( or 1 person with 5 ips)…

They jave not increased their #s. Wich means they have not changed anyones mind..

Fuck you muhjewshills. Front and center faggots!


See you top of next bread


Aaaaaaah aaaaaaah aaaaaaah

