a brief video on ruths history . nice watch turns out that bitch is super left and whats happeing under our noses is what she wanted to happen .
i think you might find this yummy
your doing gods work anon
she is so stupid exposing a play from their playbook .
fuck you pussy
its just a fucking number, not everyone believs in that shit and who the fuck are you to say otherwise .
go back to reddit
might be something big here . its all about the drills
remeber isis is obama/ds terroist group
amen brotha . thats the damn truth that people convinetly forget
possibley but they have been trying to pass that lyncing bill for some time . i dont see a direct connection to the bill, the bill was going to pass anyway .
it def was fabricated by the same side though .
the fuck is this shit? who tf is that fat guy?