Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 7:28 p.m. No.5215472   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5508





From: Judith McHale

To: Hillary Clinton

Date: 2010-12-31 02:36






UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05774196 Date: 08/31/2015





From: McHale, Judith A <>


Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 9:36 AM


Re: New Start foreign media



Thanks. Hooe you are having a good break


Happy New Year!


Original Message

From: H <>


To: McHale, Judith A

Sent: Thu Dec 30 10:06:50 2010


Subject: Re: New Start foreign media


The McHale system is working thx to you! Hope your Christmas was the best and that you and your family will have the

happiest of new years and that together we will knock down a few more bureaucratic walls in 2011!


Original Message


From: McHale, Judith A <

To: H


Sent: Thu Dec 23 11:24:04 2010

Subject: FW: New Start foreign media


Thought you'd like to see this. Rose did a great job, especially with Russian media, and the new system seems to be




Sorry I didn't get to see you before you left. Hope you have a happy and peaceful holiday and actually manage to get a

bit of down time β€” is that even possible???






Original Message

From: Smith, Dana S


Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:39 PM

To: McHale, Judith A; DiMartino, Kitty; Schwartz, Larry R/PPR


Subject: Fw: New Start foreign media


Since I send you guys the complaints when principals don't come through, thought it would be nice to send a positive

message when things go as they should. Rose is a champ and IME did great today.


Original Message


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05774196 Date: 08/31/2015


From: Korman, Samuel I. (Shai)

Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 07:34 PM


To: Ratney, Michael A; Smith, Dana S

Subject: RE: New Start foreign media


I'll also add that when the dust settles this might warrant some kind of email to A/S Gottemoeller who was herself a

driving force behind getting this done, getting out on the Russian media tonight to get into Russian media cycle to help


advance policy. Sets a great example for her senior colleagues. Will send around the final round-up in a few.


Original Message

From: Ratney, Michael A


Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:21 PM

To: Smith, Dana S


Cc: Korman, Samuel I. (Shai)

Subject: New Start foreign media


Dana -


IME staff kicked ass tonight on New START. We arranged a press call for Gottemoeller with five Russian journos at 6:00

pm - and it went perfectly. Then two 1V interviews with Russian television from the mezzanine. BBC Russian radio to

top it. Thursday we're setting up a conference call for DC-based press (foreign and domestic) supplemented by reporters


from key countries in Europe such as Poland. (We're getting an assist on that from EUR and the Brussels Hub.)


We'll get Gottemoeller into the studio here tomorrow as well to do some clips that we'll push out on NewsMarket and


All told, a very nice foreign media package on very short notice - and on a very big ticket issue. My hat is off to Shai,

David, and Holly, and also to great collaboration from OBS and FPC.




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See Also US Diplomatic Cable Search


march 6th q post


Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 7:33 p.m. No.5215554   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5563





From: Hillary Clinton

To: Cheryl Mills

Date: 2010-06-05 09:16






UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775576 Date: 08/31/2015




From: H < >

Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2010 4:16 PM


To: ''

Cc: 'sullivanjj@state.govi; Huma Abedin

Subject: Re: Brief memo for Cheryl Mills on Colombia - for Secretary Clinton




Original Message


From: Mills, Cheryl D < >

To: H

Sent: Thu Jun 03 13:48:20 2010


Subject: FW: Brief memo for Cheryl Mills on Colombia - for Secretary Clinton




From: Brownfield, William R

Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 10:41 AM

To: Mills, Cheryl D


Subject: RE: Brief memo for Cheryl Mills on Colombia - for Secretary Clinton






UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775576 Date: 08/31/2015


Feel free to share if you wish.




From: Mills, Cheryl D


Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:33 AM

To: Sullivan, Jacob J; Posner, Michael H


Cc: Abedin, Huma; Kelly, Craig A; Brownfield, William R; Fuchs, Michael H; Baer, Daniel B; Reines, Philippe I

Subject: FW: Brief memo for Cheryl Mills on Colombia - for Secretary Clinton


See b/I re travel to columbia


From: Buhl, Cindy []


Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 3:49 PM

To: Mills, Cheryl D


Cc: Buhl, Cindy

Subject: Brief memo for Cheryl Mills on Colombia - for Secretary Clinton


Dear Cheryl β€”


In my last email (Friday, 5/28), I attached the letter from the bipartisan Co-Chairs and Executive Committee members of


the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission sent to Assistant Secretary Mike Posner expressing grave concern about the

recent rise in death threats, attacks and murders of Colombian human rights defenders, religious, community and other


NGO leaders. Congressman McGovern also strongly encouraged the Secretary to meet with representatives of those

organizations and individuals being threatened, with a particularly effort to reach out to and invite the Bishops of


Tumaco (Narifio), Barrancabermeja/Medio Magdalena (Santander), and we would now add Putumayo, since the

Colombian Catholic Church just advised us yesterday of increased death threats against religious workers there. In


addition, we recommended inviting Monserior Hector Fabio Henao, director of Pastoral Social, at the Archdiocese in

Bogota, who represents all the pastoral work of the Church throughout the country, as well as representatives from the


Mennonite and Lutheran churches, in particular.


While in Colombia, the most important thing the Secretary can do is avoid effusive praise for President Alvaro Uribe,

who leaves office in August. Inside Colombia, the visit by the Secretary is being described as focusing solely on the free


trade agreement and continuing support of the counterdrug strategy/Plan Colombia. Without changes in the human

rights situation and the culture of impunity, it is unlikely that anything the Secretary might say or do will alter the


equation on Capitol Hill regarding the trade agreement. It should be noted that the October 2008 GAO report on the

counter-drug operations in Colombia concluded that U.S. assistance was successful in increasing security in parts of the


country, but a failure in the areas of counter-narcotics (GAO-09-71) , and a subsequent April 2009 USAID evaluation on

U.S. aid for Plan Colombia for illegal crop reduction and Colombian counternarcotics policies actually contribute to


increased coca production.

Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 7:33 p.m. No.5215563   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5570





UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775576 Date: 08/31/2015


The Colombian president has been a solid backer of U.S. policy and U.S. interests in the region, and has achieved some

important improvements in the country's security situation. It is important to recognize that, but to do so without


repeating the tone of Defense Secretary Gates' April visit, in which he called Uribe a "great hero"

< failed even to mention any concerns.


These concerns are of critical importance, and while the Secretary need not list them all, at least some deserve public

acknowledgement β€” some recognition that it is important to the United States that Colombia, including the current


government and its successor, show the necessary political will to deal with them:


A sharp rise in alleged military killings of civilians. In many cases, these are so-called "false positives": non-


combatants murdered and later presented as members of armed groups killed in combat. These, notes

< UN Special Rapporter for Extrajudicial Executions Philip Alston,

"began occurring with a disturbing frequency across Colombia from 2004." Citing prosecutors' and NGOs' reports, Alston


indicates that Colombia's security forces may have killed 1,486 civilians during the first six years of Alvaro Uribe's

presidency. Alston notes that the Defense Ministry only began to address the situation after the media broke the story


of the false-positives and the subsequent negative publicity and horrified public outcry.


The prosecution of "false positives" is moving with excruciating slowness. In perhaps the most notorious case β€” the


murders of about twenty young men from the poor Bogota suburb of Soacha β€” nearly all of the accused soldiers and

officers have been released from prison < >, pending trial, as

deadlines for timely prosecution have run out. Since their arrest in late 2008, their case has been prolonged by


numerous delaying tactics by the defense, including attempts to have their cases tried in the military court system as

"acts of service." Alston reports that the impunity rate on these extrajudicial murders by security forces may be as high

as 98.5 percent.


Mounting allegations that the President's intelligence service, the DAS, was put at the service

< paramilitary leaders and narcotraffickers; used to spy on and intimidate


< Court justices, opposition politicians, journalists and human rights

defenders; and employed in a campaign of sabotage and smears <http://www.cipcol.or.g/?p=1467against political




Prosecutors are alleging that the orders to have the DAS carry out wiretaps, surveillance and "political warfare" came


from high up in the Colombian presidency <

de-uribe-son-investigados-chuzadas-ilegales , though the question of "what President Uribe knew, and when he knew

it" remains unanswered. Meanwhile efforts to reform or dissolve the DAS are stalled in Colombia's Congress.


β€’ President Uribe's political coalition has also been hit by a scandal known in Colombia as "para-politics." This

coalition has included dozens of political bosses from regions beyond the capital. Many are large landholders with ties to


narcotrafficking, the same local leaders who created and fostered the brutal pro-government paramilitary groups that

killed tens of thousands of non-combatants in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 7:34 p.m. No.5215570   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun





Evidence, much of it from former paramilitary leaders, has brought about 300 criminal investigations against legislators,

governors, mayors and other local officials, nearly all of them Alvaro Uribe's political supporters, who made common

cause with the far-right warlords. To date, of the 278 congresspeople and senators elected in 2006, 68


< under official investigation, on trial, or convicted for

paramilitary ties. Those embroiled in parapolitics include the President's cousin, Mario Uribe; the brother of his former

foreign minister; and individuals whom the President had named to be Colombia's ambassadors to Chile, the Dominican


Republic, and Canada.


The Colombian prosecutors, investigators, witnesses and non-governmental organizations trying to uncover the truth

about these abuses are working under conditions of great personal risk. They, too, are heroes and would benefit greatly


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775576 Date: 08/31/2015


from a public expression of concern about the cases they are investigating, and a reminder that their work is legitimate

and important to U.S. interests in Colombia.


At the same time, it is important to avoid appearing to endorse any candidate in the June 20 runoff elections. Between

the first and second rounds of a country's presidential election is a politically awkward time for a high-level official visit.

Though President Uribe's former defense minister, Juan Manuel Santos, is the overwhelming favorite given his margin of


success in the May 30th first round of balloting over former Bogota mayor Antanas Mockus, it is necessary at this stage

to convey a sense of balance and a willingness to work closely with whoever wins. As a result, any kind words for one


candidate should be balanced by praise for the other.


Finally, it would be helpful to remind the Colombian people that the United States supports a peaceful resolution of


Bogota's worsening differences with Venezuela. While President Chavez's behavior is a significant concern, it would be

most unhelpful to be perceived on this trip as fanning the flames of conflict with Colombia β€” or playing into the Chavez

rhetoric that the U.S. and Colombia have military aspirations in the region.


Hope this memo, along with last week's copy of the TLHRC letter to Assistant Secretary Posner, are helpful and useful


materials for the Secretary as she plans her trip.


Very best wishes β€”


On behalf of Cong. Jim McGovern


Staff Contact: Cindy Buhl (202-225-6101 or < >)




See Also US Diplomatic Cable Search


q post march 8th



Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 7:58 p.m. No.5216000   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6005





From: Hillary Clinton

To: Jake Sullivan

Date: 2010-06-09 09:06






UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775652 Date: 08/31/2015





From: H < >


Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 4:06 PM



Subject: Fw: To Turkish PM Erdogan: Time to Consider all the Facts


Pls read and discuss.


Original Message

From: Lanny Davis


To: H

Sent: Thu Jun 10 14:36:23 2010


Subject: To Turkish PM Erdogan: Time to Consider all the Facts


If you are having trouble viewing this message, please go to

http://com mu n nnyjdaviscominewslettersiblogs/posts/to-tu rkish-pm-erdogan-time-to-




Purple Nation


June 10, 2010


To Turkish PM Erdogan: Time to Consider all the Facts By Lanny J. Davis


When several years ago I first met Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and had the pleasure to have two

private conversations with him, he immediately struck me as the ultimate "purple" leader. As The Washington Post


wrote recently, "Erdogan's Justice and Development Party has religious roots, but it also draws conservative

entrepreneurs and liberals with its free-market policies."


But Erdogan has recently appeared to be hostile not only to Israel, but also to the U.S. β€” flirting with Holocaust denier


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and undermining (apparently unintentionally) the world's efforts to prevent Iran from

developing a nuclear weapon.


Concerning the recent flotilla incident, there is no question Israel made serious mistakes in planning, intelligence and


execution and the onboard deaths were horrible and tragic. But Erdogan's harsh criticism struck many people, even

friends of Turkey, as way over the top, ignoring basic facts.


So I ask Prime Minister Erdogan, who I still believe has a good heart and wants to do the right thing, to assume that he


faced the following purely hypothetical facts as leader of his country:


Suppose for years Greek Cypriots were shooting rockets intentionally aimed at Turkish Cypriot civilians, causing many

deaths and injuries, and as a result, Turkey instituted a blockade, insisting on searching all ships for armaments;


Suppose that you learned there was a flotilla of ships leaving Greek ports destined for Greek Cyprus, called the "Free


Turkish Cyprus" flotilla and sponsored by a Greek organization with leaders hostile to Turkey and with associations with

an anti-Turkish terrorist organization;

Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 7:58 p.m. No.5216005   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun





UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775652 Date: 08/31/2015


Suppose that after you ordered that these ships be inspected for armaments and the leaders of the ships refused, your

soldiers boarding the ships were accosted by people with pipes, iron bars and long knives, putting the Turkish soldiers in


mortal danger; and your soldiers, seeing their brothers and sisters in such danger, reacted instinctively by shooting live

ammunition, tragically killing nine people, some of whom were members of the same organization linked to an anti-


Turkish terrorist organization.


Mr. Prime Minister: If all of the above were true β€” and in fact, each of the above "hypotheticals" precisely tracks the


circumstances Israel faced β€” what would you and Turkey have done?


Now, you and your Turkish colleagues may argue that the big difference is that Israel is "occupying" the West Bank. Oh,

really? An awful lot of Greeks and much of the rest of the world believe, rightly or wrongly, that Turkey is occupying one-


half of Cyprus after a military invasion years ago. I know you and your fellow Turks feel that Turkey intervened to protect

Turk Cypriots.


A lot of Turkish Muslims somehow believe that there is religious sacrilege by Israel in "occupying" holy sites in East


Jerusalem and on the West Bank. Oh, really? Tens of millions of Orthodox Christians throughout Russia, Greece,

Romania and Eastern Europe would remind you that in 1453, the Turks not only occupied the holiest site in all of


Orthodox Christendom β€” the Holy Agia Sophia Church, which is to Orthodox Christians what St. Peter's and the Vatican

are to Roman Catholics β€” but also continue to this day to desecrate that site, which Turkey retains as a museum, with


the priceless religious frescoes obscenely painted over and icons smashed, and refuse to allow the restoration of Agia

Sophia to the Orthodox Church.


Compare what the Turks did to Agia Sophia to Israel's protection of the sanctity and guaranteed absolute access by


Muslims to the holy sites on the ancient Temple Mount of the al-Aqsa Mosque facing Mecca and the Dome of the Rock

ever since Israel regained control over Jerusalem in 1967. These are facts, Mr. Prime Minister. Do you deny them?


I am hoping that once you discover the entire truth about the risks to Israel's safety and security represented by these


Gaza-bound ships, and recognize that Turkey's history and role in being an occupier is not free from criticism, you will

find a way to re-engage your prior friendship and relationship with Israel, especially with regard to the peace process,


and open discussions with Israeli leaders, who I know appreciated the constructive role you have played over the years.


Even if publicly you cannot do this, I am hoping that you can privately β€” which would be consistent with my impression

of the man I came to know and admire after just two meetings. I can only hope and pray that you do so, and that the


world doesn't lose you as a peacemaker in the Middle East and elsewhere.


This piece appears today, June 10, 2010, in Mr. Davis's regular weekly column in The Hill "Purple Nation" and "The Daily

Caller" an online political website.


Mr. Davis, with his own Washington firm, Lanny J. Davis & Associates PLLC, served as special counsel to President Bill


Clinton from 1996-98 and was a member of President George W. Bush's Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board in

2006-07. He is the author of Scandal: How "Gotcha" Politics Is Destroying America (Palgrave MacMillan 2006).


This message was sent by: Lanny J. Davis & Associates LLC, 600 13th Street, NW Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005


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See Also US Diplomatic Cable Search


qdrop april 15th


Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 8 p.m. No.5216052   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6055



From: Sidney Blumenthal

To: Hillary Clinton

Date: 2010-12-15 16:01



UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05778447 Date: 08/31/2015





From: sbwhoeop

Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 201011:01 PM



Subject: H: Jamie Rubin finally lands. Sid


The unsigned editorials will appear in all of Bloomberg's online and print media properties β€” including Bloomberg

Businessweek, Bloomberg.corn and the nearly 300,000 financial data terminals leased to Wall Street traders and

businesses around the world. It will be run by two distinguished voices: James P. Rubin, a former assistant secretary of

state under Bill Clinton, and David Shipley, editor of The New York Times Op-Ed page.


g o t


December 15, 2010


loomberg to Publish Editorials




Being mayor of New York City would be a large enough platform for just about anyone. But apparently not for Michael R.


The mayor's company, 3loomber ,,3 L.P., said on Wednesday that it would begin publishing editorials across its vast media


enterprise in an effort to broaden the company's influence on national affairs. And though Mr. Bloomberg has an

agreement with the city to have no involvement in the "day-to-day operations" of his company, the endeavor, called

Bloomberg View, is intended to channel his personal philosophy and worldview.

"I think it's very important that everyone understands that our editorial page is going to be, for sure, consistent with the

values and beliefs of the founder β€” even if he happens to be mayor of New York City," said Matthew Winkler, the editor in

chief of Bloomberg News. "I fully expect us in our Bloomberg View always to reflect those values. In fact, I want people to

come away from reading the Bloomberg View infused with those beliefs and values."

The effort presents a host of conflict-of-interest questions for the mayor. The new venture provides the mayor with yet


another potent communications apparatus β€” one that carries his name and imprimatur β€” to sound off on issues that

collide with his job as mayor, his corporate interests and his expanding philanthropic empire.

Bloomberg L.P. executives said they would not shy away from publishing editorials on issues in which Mr. Bloomberg has

a direct interest as mayor, like education, public health and environmental policy. Mr. Winkler said the editorials would not

avoid such issues but would disclose the mayor's involvement when warranted.

Though Mr. Bloomberg will not have a hand in conceiving and writing the editorials, he is likely to offer feedback from time

to time before they are published, Mr. Winkler said.

Anonymous ID: aad56b Feb. 16, 2019, 8:01 p.m. No.5216055   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



"I think that there's a very good chance that's going to happen," he said, referring to Mr. Bloomberg's occasional

involvement. It is unclear whether that level of involvement is permitted under his agreement with the city to remain at

arm's length from the company.

A spokesman for the mayor, Stu Loeser, said the mayor was allowed limited involvement in his agreement with the city.

"Weighing in from time to time is consistent with his being the majority shareholder of the company he founded," he said.

As someone whose presidential ambitions are the source of endless speculation, acquiring the platform of an editorial

page is certain to draw more attention to Mr. Bloomberg's plans. (On Sunday, Mr. Bloomberg ruled out a run for



The unsigned editorials will appear in all of Bloomberg's online and print media properties β€” including Bloomberg

Businessweek, and the nearly 300,000 financial data terminals leased to Wall Street traders and

businesses around the world. It will be run by two distinguished voices: James P. Rubin, a former assistant secretary of

state under Bill Clinton, and David Shipley, editor of The New York Times Op-Ed page.

Opinion and commentary have not typically been areas of focus for Bloomberg, with its just-the-facts approach. In fact,

the mayor has complained about the corrosive effect of the 24-hour news cycle and overheated political commentary in


the blogosphere.

But company leaders, including Mr. Bloomberg, who has been aware of the project since it was conceived more than two

years ago, saw an opportunity to extend their influence.


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05778447 Date: 08/31/2015


For a firm that has made no secret of its ambitions to become the most influential media company in the world, starting an

editorial operation is the latest effort to propel it beyond its core mission as a financial news service.

The notion of media barons using editorials to shape public opinion and policy according to their personal views is an old

one in American journalism. William Randolph Hearst, for example, often wrote front-page editorials for his newspapers.

Mr. Bloomberg, it would seem, is casting himself in that mold, though there are no plans for him to begin writing signed

editorials. For now, he is content letting his trusted deputies speak for him.

"He's accepting and embracing the privilege of a media mogul," said David Nasaw, a professor of history at the City


University of New York Graduate Center, who wrote a biography of Hearst. "This is what we all do. We try to persuade the

rest of the world we are right. Of course we don't have the vehicles to do so. The rich have the vehicles to do so."

Mr. Winkler said: "There's a huge opportunity here for Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg News to seize the day, literally

seize the day by bringing wisdom to events as they unfold. And one can't always do that with the best result with


"That certainly is a benefit to the founder of the company, the man. But it is also a huge opportunity for Bloomberg, the


company, that it should take advantage of," Mr. Winkler added.

Bloomberg L.P. acquired BusinessWeek last year, giving the 29-year-old company a print product with a long legacy of


Bloomberg is in the midst of an expansion in Washington. With a service called Bloomberg Government, an operation that

will eventually employ 300 journalists and analysts, the company will sell, for $5,700 a year, information about government

services and contracts to lobbyists and others with business interests in the nation's capital.



q drop april 15th

