Anonymous ID: 1062b2 Feb. 16, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.5216409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6511

re RBG, you'd think feminists could find a better role model. RBG had her husband decide her career path, her taking on the case that made her name, and her SCOTUS nomination.


"BW: She was 60 years old at the time. I mean, Bill Clinton, by his own admission in the documentary, tells us that he was casting about for someone because Mario Cuomo had turned him down. And it was Marty Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s husband, who lobbied for her to be considered. And he talked to everyone he knew; he was a very well-connected lawyer himself, and he knew a lot of people; he was very gregarious, people really liked him. He made sure that her name came before President Clinton. Now, Clinton says, of course, yes, he was lobbying for her. But there were other people lobbying for other people, and it was her interview that did it.


"Another modern aspect of my parents' early days together was their decision, midway through college, to pursue the same professional education. Marty started as a chemistry major, but abandoned that major; and the possibility of medical school, because afternoon labs conflicted with golf practice (just as well, since medicine would not have played to Ruth’s strengths). Marty had his heart set on pursuing his higher education at Harvard. This ruled out business school as [Harvard Business School] did not admit women at the time. So law school it would be."


"At one point, Clinton asked Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan to suggest a woman. “Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” Moynihan answered. “The women are against her” was the President’s reply. Moynihan called Martin Ginsburg and said, “You best take care of it.”

Ginsburg, a prominent and well-connected tax lawyer, was already running a behind-the-scenes campaign, without his wife’s knowledge. In February, 1993, he’d organized a breakfast meeting with the president of a leading women’s group in D.C. to seek her support for his plan to get his wife nominated as Solicitor General. He did not succeed. He had the same experience at a meeting in New York. In April and May, he courted the press and solicited at least thirty-four letters of support, largely from the legal academy…"


"At Marty’s urging, Ruth began working on a sex discrimination case established her career in Constitutional Law."