Anonymous ID: fea2f7 Feb. 16, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.5217417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7494

Major 2A Rally in Pennsylvania planned May 6th 2019 at 10AM


Organizers Requesting all hands on deck.


Copied from their Facebook event


Good Morning Patriots!!!


In 12 hours we have reached approximately 8,800 people! This is outstanding!!


Confirmed over 350!


Let's keep the pressure up! May 6th is just a few months away! The ROAD to freedom is paved with Liberty, Strength and Sacred Honor.


Keep sharing the event. We are on the front lines for this battle of wit, the Nation is watching us!! We have the sacred duty to lead the fight for responsible gun ownership. It is our right to stand as free men and women against unjust regulation!


make no mistake, we have some of the best minds in the country here in Pennsylvania. This is the birthplace of our republic. We will not give up our rights now or never.


Stand with us!




Ps. Who doesn't like a political satire memes?!?

Anonymous ID: fea2f7 Feb. 16, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.5217494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7526 >>7545


more 2A Pennsylvania banter

This guy is a decent writer.



I love the enthusiasm! We need to amplify this! Spread the word! Get to your local ranges, we need everyone involved.


Here is the link to the PDF for the flyer. This is going to take a grassroots effort. We need everyone involved.


We need to target the gun owners who are passive toward these events. We need to get them to understand that it's not just their AR15 they want.


They want your accessories. Your telescopic sights, your adjustable stocks, you forgrips..


They want your "high powered sniper rifle" that you use to harvest with.


They want your grandfathers Trophy rifle from world war two. After all it's a weapon of war.


We cannot allow any of this. Pittsburgh is the virtual shot heard around the world. They made their intentions known.


The governor backs it.. they intend to take this fight to the state level.


The opposition forces have been rubbing elbows with our elected officials. Almost Weekly they are in the capital building pressuring them to pass legislation. We need to counter this.


Follow the examples of our great ancestors. I leave you with this.



Anonymous ID: fea2f7 Feb. 16, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.5217545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7701


I've been following the Pittsburgh situation closely.


Here's another of their posts


As most of you know, I am very active within the 2A community,


This is an ALL HANDS ON DECK SITUATION. You are needed to send a clear message to harrisburg, Pittsburgh. And other LARGE anti 2A groups.


I understand we all have unique challenges to deal with daily, vacation/sick time. Work responsibilities etc.


This is your advanced notice. MAY 6TH 2019,


I am going to get with the organizers and assist with logistics. I want to see concerned citizens flooding their representative offices. They cannot deny us if we are all present.


In years past, groups would be formed with a chaperone to take people to their representatives offices. I encourage all of you to attend and join in with this endeavor.


PA is in the national spotlight! Do not let our basic human rights be stripped from us! Stand up and be counted! BE PROUD!!




Let's make history together!


Shared from a good friend of mine.


. I'm passing this along to many of my friends, wayyyy ahead of time, this is on May 6th 2019, if you care anything about your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS at all, you'll go into your work tomorrow and request this day off, and show up for this rally.


Ok so after watching the whole city council meeting today in Pittsburgh and watching Bruce the city council president literally have a breakdown and a conniption fit it's safe to say the light is on there but no ones home.


We are in the beginning stages of setting up another event but this time it will be in Harrisburg PA at the Capitol. I can not stress the importance of this event. This is not going to be your typical rally. This will be very well planned out. However no matter how well we plan it will not mean shit "sorry for the language" if we do not show up in huge numbers.


I am not asking I am telling you this year is more important than ever to make it to this event for one day to actually do something that will make a difference. I would like to gain upwards of 10,000 people to show up. I know this is a huge request and a huge goal but its WAY PAST TIME.


We will be going there inside to hold a rally. And then split off in groups to talk to our individual state representatives and federal Representatives and demand they support our right's and also ask them to pass a strength informed of State preemption that will allow us to collect any losses pursuing any municipalities or townships or city council members or Mayors in the future and also some added amendments that we can't really go into details because we know that they're monitoring our page.


We MUST show up in huge numbers because if we just show up with a few hundred people then it shows them we really do not care. I personally am sick and tired of all the shenanigans that's going on in my state and I will do everything in my power to make sure it ends.


We are also going to be there to counter block any other bills that are coming up to restrict our rights while we're there. So this is going to be a very productive day and hopefully we will see a great outcome after we leave. I'm just letting you guys know now so you are aware we are looking add an event date in May the beginning of May to give you some forewarning.


I hope I have your guys support and I hope you guys Stand Tall with me that day because I'm really really really going to need it.


Please share this with your friends, I've made this post public