Calling all Voter Integrity Autists – watch for and report all fuckery at MID TERM ELECTIONS
Why? - POTUS emphatically said the mid terms are going to be critical in draining the swamp
What? Background: Electronic Ballots are called “Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Systems”: DRE systems employ computers that record votes directly into the computers' memory. These interfaces may incorporate touchscreens, dials, or mechanical buttons. The voter's choices are stored by the computer on a cartridge or hard drive. Some DRE systems are also equipped with a printer, which the voter may use to confirm his or her choices before committing them to the computer's memory. The paper records can be preserved to be tabulated in case of an audit or recount.
THESE SYSTEMS CAN BE MANIPULATED REMOTELY WITH NO TRACE OF FUCKERY as the local precincts are not required to keep a paper trail.
Who: What company supplies the system? type of ballot used, company supplying the e-ballot system name (MUST RESEARCH EACH OF THESE – what is the company name history, who owns?, what are the connections? manipulation of ballot count?
“GEMS vote-counting systems are and have been operated under five trade names: Global Election Systems, Diebold Election Systems, Premier Election Systems, Dominion Voting Systems, and Election Systems & Software, in addition to a number of private regional subcontractors. At the time of this writing, this system is used statewide in Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah and Vermont, and for counties in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. It is also used in Canada.”
KEEP IN MIND – both dems and gops mess with the machines – doesn’t matter – we need integrity.
Digggggg DEEP – deep state has a LOT of connections to the software and machines.
Need help building this list / spreadsheet. Have a couple so far – Georgia (already dicked with – not proven yet but seems obvious), Pennsylvania coming up March 18th, many more this year.
Where: Resources
GEMS / Diebold systems https://, https:// (the tip of the iceburg here – there are many more companies and many more resources showing how the companies manipulate ballot counts)
https:// – which elections are coming up, what’s at stake
https:// (lame, I know but it’s a start with the who part)