Where New Zealand will remain well above sea level after the shift and polar melts, it will be subject to the same forces during the shift as all other lands. Tidal waves will assault its coastlines, and where cliffs or mountain ranges lie along a coastline, tidal bore can occur, bringing rushing water to a height not expected. As New Zealand is a land of mountain ranges, stay well inland during the shift, returning to the coastlines only some days after the shift has occurred and the sloshing oceans and high tides have settled. Where New Zealand lies along a fault line, and thus has active volcanoes and geothermal area, due to the tipping up of the plate New Zealand lies on, pressure will be reduced during the hour of the shift, not increased, and the incidence of exploding volcanoes and the like lessened for this reason. In essence, there will be a new space under the tipped plate for lava to fill during the shift, which will reduce the press of lava upward.