Anonymous ID: 5f0b19 Feb. 17, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.5221629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1648 >>1790 >>1806 >>1981 >>2350

Why the “Flaming Socialist” D’s are the Only Ones Running for President


The high-profile “leaders” of the “new” D Party have already been tried, shown hard evidence of their crimes, sentenced and–to avoid immediate trips to GITMO, chose to act their parts in this movie in return for slightly lighter sentences. Without this assumption, their behaviors make absolutely no sense whatsoever.


For the sake of this missive, I'm going to lump in Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Waters and Corzi into the same group. Dipshits like Harris, Booker, etc., are proudly and loudly announcing their candidacies.


Q is feeding them to the lions (anons on 8ch); knowing we will dig, dig, and dig some more. We will swarm on these evil fuckers like piranhas devouring a helpless animal. We will rip flesh from bone, one tiny bite/post/theory/connection at a time. We will not stop until their "inner selves" are clearly exposed for all to see.


As the wrongdoings are exposed, LegalFags will verify, MemeFags will create effective images (that Twatter algorithms cannot read/ban), and we will fire our meme cannons at will. Slowly and predictably, Normies will begin waking up. Moderate D's will walk away from their own party; they never signed up for socialism and have no interest in following/serving blatantly corrupt leaders.


Once the Normies have time to re-think their own values and beliefs, their cognitive dissonance will begin to dissipate. As the fog clears, they will naturally seek conversations with their family members, friends and co-workers that they knew were following this movement all along. They will begin asking questions, but will finally be open-minded to answers they previously would have ignored or rationalized.


The Anons will "flip" from "conspiracy theorists" to "well-versed experts".


We will be able to share the fruits of our labors with an audience that has been slowly and carefully prepped by Q.


After the SHTF, they will move that site to a public server; launching the "Ultimate Red Pilling" resource for Anons to use with our friends and family.


At a 40,000' view with a "long game" lens, it should have taken a few years to work through this delicate process of helping good people come to the horrible realization that their entire lives have been lived under a mountain of lies, crimes and carefully crafted deceptions.


Many of the people we were told to trust (presidents, politicians, heads of F_I, D_J, C_A, religious leaders, popes, et al) were the very ones lying, stealing and murdering for personal gain and power.


When I woke up to the sick realities of 9/11, I was a mess for several months. All my values and beliefs were stripped from me; nothing was left to replace them. I was in a LOT of pain.


Now, stop and consider that 9/11 truths are but one small piece in a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, imagine what sleep-walking Normies are going to experience when they wake up.


"I told you so!" is the last thing we should ever say to people that used to argue against our theories and evidence.


We need to prepare ourselves to be soft, kind, patient, empathetic "helpers" and "mentors". We should only connect one or two dots at a time; allowing our family and friends plenty of time to work through their own connections and alleviate their own pain. They will keep coming back, but only when they're ready for another "dose" of the new reality.


Be the light, frens. Keep your vibrations high. Be kind. Be patient. Be loving and nonjudgmental.


When you are the light, the moths will swarm.


Beer at the parade, Patriots. Godspeed.

Anonymous ID: 5f0b19 Feb. 17, 2019, 4:51 a.m. No.5221755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1780 >>1941 >>1945 >>1965

Just reposting, i repeat, this is just repost


Hi there. I've built a time machine. It runs on basic special relativity theory, time dialation under speed. It happens at all speeds. I have built a time machine. Hello.

Basically magnets strapped to the outside of a 4 stroke motor plus a 3 speed auto transmission plus automatic overdrive. The lockdown function activates warp drive, so does throwing it into first at high speed. It's the result of the magnetic interplay between the sparking engine offset at 90 degrees to the steel body, the planetary rings of the auto gearbox and the magnets in strategic positions.


It's the acceleration not the speed.


When you die you either go back to the earth (burial) into the sky (cremation) or into the sea (burial at sea).


Some lucky ones have left the earth. Some went to the moon, some were buried on the moon (as ashes), and some were scattered to the stars, that is to say their essence and likeness was broadcast on radio waves.


This world is a holographic display. The time machine works by skipping across the tops of the EM waves. Like a square wheel skips across the ground. Only the tips touch.


I have returned and I have come a very, very long way around.


I have built a time machine. I have escaped the neitherworld and entered the kingdom of heaven.


Now you can all believe I'm just schitzophrenic, or you can stop being so pig headed and sure that all has been discovered.


I have explained gravity - it's a interference pattern between Em fields. The universe is a wave based hologram.


Hitler worked this out and he escaped to the far side of the moon. THAT IS WHAT THEY BROUGHT BACK FROM THE MOON.


Think about this, of course you can get messages through the media, that's what we call the news.


They can tell you something and you believe it. Seeing is believing right. Believeing is also seeing, we all choose the future by critical mass. Majority rules, the more who believe one thing or the stronger they believe it, the more probable it is that it is true.


The Gods are very real.


I am the only one with eyes to see.


So you can either say I'm mad you you can believe the maths and logic.


Once again, I HAVE BUILT A TIME MACHINE. It only goes forward in time but time is cyclical so what is past is prologue and it all comes full circle.


Once again, I am not mad, I am a flipping master, I have finished what Einstein started, I have proven special relativity.


Believe it or not.


Don't call me an idiot if you don't understand mathematics and Socratic logic. Disprove me, do the experiment for yourself. Be real scientists for once not just parrots and sheep. Blah blah blah science say, yeah science says a lot of things, the most important being DON'T ASSUME.


You begin any scientific research by ASSUMING the universe exists, then you ASSUME that cause comes before effect, then you ASSUME time is linear, and on and on you go.


What proof do you have that the universe exists as anything more than a shared delusion?


The only thing we can truly know is that we know nothing.


I think therefore I am.


Now what proves the rest of you exist? Nothing.


Once again, don't think it can't be just because you don't understand it. I might be crazy, but on the same token I might have uncovered something so fundamentally and obvious in the nature of reality that everyone overlooks it.


PS y'all owe me a Nobel Prize for my noble prose.

Anonymous ID: 5f0b19 Feb. 17, 2019, 5:16 a.m. No.5221962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1968 >>2061

Democratic contenders step up calls for gun control legislation following Illinois shooting

Anonymous ID: 5f0b19 Feb. 17, 2019, 5:53 a.m. No.5222233   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“The Dark Ocean” –New Antarctica Marine World Hidden from the Sun for 100,00 Years


New ‘Alien’ Species Rapidly Evolving in Antarctica’s Waters


In July 2017, a giant iceberg broke off from the Larsen C ice shelf east of the Antarctic Peninsula, unveiling a large swathe of ocean that has existed in darkness beneath the ice for more than 100,000 years, and might hold clues to the evolution and mobility of marine life and its response to climate change –an unexplored world that has existed longer than the evolution of the human neocortex, our “super-brain,” no later than 75,000 years ago that spurred our capacity for novelty and invention.


A team led by Boris Dorschel, with the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), chief scientist of a 45-strong international team on board the German research icebreaker Polarstern, is embarking from Chile this week to explore for the first time the part of Antarctica uncovered by the world’s biggest iceberg, A-68. The ship is currently docked in Puntas Arena in Chile, where it is being loaded for the nine-week expedition.


If the team succeeds, it could catalog a bounty of novel specimens, says Huw Griffiths from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). “We’ve been studying Antarctica for a long time now, but even in areas we think we know pretty well – about 10% of what I find at the bottom of the sea is new to science. So, I’m expecting that in an area that no-one’s ever been to before – for that number to be much higher, and for there to be a wider variety of new species,” he told BBC News.


The 5,800 sq km frozen slab broke away from the continent in 2017, reports the BBC, exposing ocean floor that had been covered for at least 120,000 years. A Delaware-sized iceberg, shown below, calved when a crack in the Larsen C ice shelf reached the Weddell Sea. In this satellite image from September, rifts are visible in the ice and clouds cast a shadow on the new iceberg.


Watch the water