Anonymous ID: 8b6439 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:07 a.m. No.5222355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2399


>I don't understand why the fact that the FBI tried to invoke the 25th is treason.


"They never thought she would lose!"

Because the corrupt ass FBI/DOJ were discussing removing a duly elected president because they knew their corruption would be revealed with Trump in office!


Not only did they use crooked HRC's opposition research from Fusion GPS and Trump hater, Christopher Steele, AFTER the FBI fired him for leaking to the press, but then they used those fake, leaked stories as a basis for the FISA warrant to spy on Trump, his family and friends during his campaign.


Then they continued to use the fake leaks from Steele to spy on President-Elect during the transition and President Trump after he took office! They made up the bs "Russia collusion" story to investigate him for the last 2 years knowing all along it is a hoax!


ALL OF THEIR CORRUPTION is being exposed and they're turning on each other, throwing each other under the bus! hahahaha McCabe just did 60 Minutes interview saying RR brought up the 25th Amendment to remove POTUS, RR put out a statement that McCabe is lying!


If you think this is fun, just wait for the declas of FISA warrants!