Anonymous ID: e5ae00 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.5222597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2883 >>3143

The idea that these self-serving traitors will just get to skulk off into the sunset with their full pensions and "hookups" within Deep State lobbying shops, corporate boards etc outside of government is infuriating and unacceptable.


ALL of these embedded "Resistance" fighters need to not only be prosecuted, they need to lose everything. Their pensions, their homes, their bank they have squirreled away with their illegal and treasonous actions. They can not be allowed to leave without sanctions to rise again another day.


There are MANY on this board who have lost everything or have been threatened with the loss of everything (homes, job, future employment prospects etc etc ad infinitum) by those who were in power during the Obama Regime. The "Resistance" got vicarious thrills from punishing and destroying those who tried to oppose them. They showed NO mercy. They must LOSE EVERYTHING and BE DESTROYED so they can never rise again.


There is an associate on my FB account who is an attorney who was with the "DOJ Office of Civil Rights" during the Obama Regime. He is a good little soldier and corrupt AF. When Trump won, he managed to scoot over to DHS and hide, but continues to post "thank yous" for what a privilege it was to serve Obama, mocking Trump that he is getting paid to stay home in his sweat pants to watch his young sons etc etc etc. He makes it clear every day he gets up goes to work with the intent to subvert the will of this Administration and he feels he is "winning"


THIS is exactly the type of shit bird that can never be trusted and MUST lose everything.

Trump needs to engineer a planned shutdown and a HUGE RIF of fed "civil (self-serving) servants) to purge the Resistance.