>>5222703 (PB)
The satanic cultists make up the terms and attach emotional content - doesn't matter what the definition is. We can be conditioned we think "awesome" means really good - that the MAP is the territory, that the image is the reality.
Words mean what cult advertiser influence operations program them to mean . Awesome and Epic have dictionary definitions, derivations and prior usage histories which are deliberately debased by cult IO.
The advertising industry takes words to which original meaning attaches, imbues them with emotional content, repurposing them to sell consumer goods, celebrities, disimproving social programs or suicidal pop culture trends.
None of that is organic, none of it is "magic" and almost all the advertising and editorial media content output is toxic, packed with obscene and blasphemous subliminals and subsonic hypnotic induction - exploits which target our unconscious minds below the threshold of perceptual awareness.