They are that insane. They honestly believed their own bullshit, that both houses of Congress would be with them. Look at how far they went to make it happen - the lying to the FISA courts, the collusion with their "friend" the FISA court Judge, etc – they thought they would get away with it. I live in DC, these people ARE this delusional and believe their own bullshit/right to power etc.
Desperate, delusional people are not rational.
They believe what they want to believe.
They see what they want to see.
They seek confirmation bias everywhere.
The FBI has been dirty and corrupt since it's inception. It is time to smash both the FBI and the CIA and scatter their ashes to the winds. They are not fixable. They are redeemable. Their complete destruction will be necessary if America is to heal, move forward and continue to work towards achieving the Greatness her founding peoples believed in and risked everything for.
>>5222597 lb
More than just the key players in this plot. ALL of them must go. The "Resistance" is burrowed deep into the entire structure of the government. Federal Civil Service, government contractors, military. They screen and hire only their own. Their aims and their goals are their own self-enrichment and to further the Globalist Nationless Borderless Agenda. They see us as their sheep to be sheared. Statements like "the good people of the FBI" make me want to puke. Etc. Burn the whole place down. It's overdue.