Anonymous ID: 51dc99 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.5225696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel has used it's meeting with Egypt and it's controlled opposition in Syria the SDF to set in motion expansion of the Syrian war and further war on Iran.


As I've reported repeatedly (via SYRIA UPDATE) the SDF and ISIS have been working hand in glove in Syria pretending to fight,both backed by US led coalition aka cabals army.


Now after last weeks meeting where Netanyahu was clearly pushing for war with Iran they are attempting to advance the Syrian war and create the GOG MAGOG bible prophesy.


SDF Official: We Are Ready To Consider Deployment Of Egyptian Troops East Of Euphrates

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) is ready to consider the deployment of Egyptian troops in its areas east of the Euphrates River in order to prevent any attack by Turkey, Riad Darar, a co-chairman of the Kurdish-dominated council told the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) on February 17.

“We can coordinate with the Egyptian side to allow a deployment in eastern Euphrates, they can have a presence there in many ways, we can agree on this,” Darar said.

The SDC governs northeastern Syria with direct support from the US-led coalition. Turkey began preparations to invade the entire region following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw all US troops from Syria.

Darar said that he understands that Turkey will not welcome any communication between them and Egypt. However, he stressed that it is within their rights to communicate with any side that could “protect their future,” especially Egypt, who has historical ties with Syria.

“We always wanted to open an office [in Egypt] to maintain relations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt … We are ready to visit Egypt in anytime that would be suitable for our Egyptian brothers,” the Kurdish official added.

Egypt and several other Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have been working to counter Turkey’s growing influence in Syria. However, it remains unclear if Cairo is willing to deploy troops in the northeastern part of the country.


Pushing this story by SOHR which is a C_A MOSSAD and M_6 operation based in London.


The previous efforts were all a set up for a greater war for Israel.


REVEALED: How Gulf states hatched plan with Israel to rehabilitate Assad

Mossad chief Yossi Cohen met Saudi, Emirati and Egyptian officials last month to discuss ways to counter Turkish regional influence, sources say


Now you have the SDF and US backed coalition making deals with ISIS allegedly to stop the fighting but I believe this is just a consolidation of forces to ignite a larger war. What ever happened to we don't negotiate with terrorists?


"The secret agreement between the US-led coalition and ISIS was confirmed by several sources, including the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), which revealed that the agreement has allowed the coalition to take over more than 40 tons of stolen gold from the terrorist group."

Anonymous ID: 51dc99 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.5225801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6072 >>6159

Israel to withhold $138mn from Palestinian taxes it collects, citing support of prisoners


Tel Aviv has decided to deduct some $138 million from the amount of taxes it collected on behalf of Palestine. It comes in retaliation to stipends the Palestinian Authority pays to families jailed over violent anti-Israeli crimes.


The move was announced by the Security Cabinet of Israel on Sunday, as it decided to put into effect a law, passed by the country’s parliament last July.


The legislation allows Israel to freeze and deduct funds from Palestinian tax revenues, equal to stipends the Palestinian authorities pay to families of those jailed by Tel Aviv and former prisoners. Last year, some $138 million was paid to such people, according to Israeli data.


While Palestine sees the stipends as a welfare program for the heroes of its national struggle, Israel – as well as the US – considers it to be money to foster “terrorism.”


Despite the Israeli move, the Palestinian authorities seem to be adamant to continue the payments, condemning Tel Aviv’s decision as “piracy” and “theft.”


“It is an attempt to pressure us and blackmail us,” Wasel Abu Youssef, an official with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), told Reuters. “Even if left with just one dollar, we will pay it to the families of the martyrs, of the prisoners and of the wounded.”

Anonymous ID: 51dc99 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.5225895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bokhari: Free Trade Leads to Globalized Tyranny


It’s no longer shocking to hear news like Google cooperating with state censors in Russia. As American companies seek entry into foreign markets, they are increasingly willing to appease societies that are hostile to western traditions of liberty. It’s a reminder that liberal values aren’t tied to capitalism alone, but to the people and cultures that believe in them.


Google’s decision to work with Russia came after months of controversy over “Project Dragonfly,” the tech giant’s plan to create a censored search app for China. Google only backed down from that project following bipartisan political outcry, including from Vice President Pence and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA).


But Google is far from alone in its decision to appease an oppressive regime. Last month, Netflix attracted condemnation after it pulled an episode from one of its comedy shows following complaints from the Saudi Arabian government. The episode featured jokes about murdered Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.


Don’t expect bravery from Facebook either. As early as 2017, it sent one of its VPs to Pakistan to address complaints about “blasphemy” on the platform. Facebook-owned platform Instagram recently deleted an account promoting LGBT rights in Indonesia, following widespread anger from the country’s Muslim population.


Shortly before Instagram’s move, Google blocked a number of LGBT apps in its Play Indonesia store, following a request from the Muslim-dominated country’s government.


Beyond what’s banned, look also at what’s allowed — Google and Apple have attracted criticism from conservatives for banning free speech apps like Gab. Meanwhile, they’ve allowed a Saudi Arabian smartphone app that allows men to track the movements of women and “stop them leaving the country.”


Welcome to globalized free trade, where household-name American companies bend over backward to appease the whims of foreign tyrants. Where the same corporations that fire their own employees at the slightest hint of sexism help Saudi Arabian men keep tabs on women’s movements. Where corporate social media accounts deck themselves out in rainbow flags at every opportunity, while the companies they represent help Islamic mobs suppress sexual minorities.


On free speech, at least, they’re consistent — they clamp down on dissidents abroad and dissidents in the west, often at the behest of governments.


The problem is likely to get worse. In a globalized economy, western companies have every incentive to look to authoritarian societies to market their products — demographically, those countries are on the rise while liberal societies are on the decline.


China has a population of 1.3 billion — almost double that of Europe and the United States combined. The fertility rate in the aftermath of its one-child policy is low, at 1.62 — but still not as low as the E.U. average of 1.60.


When you subtract the birthrates of immigrant populations from European countries, the fertility gap appears even starker. In 2015, the birthrate for non-immigrant German women was 1.43 — the same as that of Japan, the country that has long been the world’s poster child for demographic crisis.


The distinction between immigrant and non-immigrant birthrates in the west is important, because many of the minority communities in western countries are disproportionately likely to reject liberal values. In Britain, for example, 52 percent of Muslims say they would ban homosexuality. The Muslim fertility rate in Britain? 2.9, compared to 1.8 for for non-Muslims. Western corporations might have to put away their rainbow flags in the future United Kingdom.


The repressive foreign regimes that western companies are now cooperating with also preside over booming populations compared to western societies. Pakistan has an average fertility of 3.48 babies per woman, more than twice that of the European Union. In Saudi Arabia, it’s 2.53. In Indonesia, 2.36. All are above the replacement rate.

Anonymous ID: 51dc99 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.5225942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US will sell you out, no one can protect you but Syria – Assad to groups ‘betting on America’


The militia groups relying on US support in Syria will be sold out by Washington, which sees them as a token chip in a political bargain, President Bashar Assad said, while apparently referencing the Syrian-Turkish border.


“We say to those groups who are betting on the Americans, the Americans will not protect you,” Assad said during a televised speech aired Sunday. “The Americans will put you in their pockets so you can be tools in the barter, and they have started with [it].”


Relying on foreign support will only see those groups becoming the “slaves of Turkey,” he warned. “Nobody will protect you except your state,” Assad said. He added that Damascus treats “any intruder” as an enemy and is adamant “every inch of Syria will be liberated.”


While Assad did not specifically name those “betting on the Americans,” the message has apparently targeted the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the US-backed, Kurdish-led militia, which is controlling the northeastern parts of the country. Syrian troops and the SDF have avoided engaging in a direct conflict over the years, yet relations between them appear to be quite strained.


The fate of the SDF remains uncertain as the US announced withdrawal of its troops, occupying parts of Syria, late last year. Washington has promised to somehow simultaneously “protect” the Kurdish-led militias, and address “concerns” of its allies at the same time – Turkey's concerns, primarily.


Ankara regards the backbone of the SDF – the People's Protection Units (YPG) as an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Turkey has already conducted a military operation against YPG in Syria's Afrin region last year, and repeatedly threatened to take actions against other “terrorists” entrenched in northern Syria. Turkish armed forces and affiliated militants are currently controlling territories in Syria’s north.


Assad's speech was aired just as US special envoy to Syria, James Franklin Jeffrey, publicly told the Munich Security Conference that Washington did not want the Syrian government – which he referred to as a “regime” – to regain control over the northeastern parts of the country.


“Our goals in the northeast have not changed. They involve first of all maintaining security in the region, which means we are not at all in favor of the regime coming back in because the regime doesn't promote stability as we see in other areas,” Jeffrey stated.


“The US policy towards Syria has not changed. First of all defeating ISIS, secondly a political solution to the conflict in Syria that results through UN action… Thirdly the removal of all foreign forces.”


At the same time, the official stressed that the US does not actually seek to oust Assad altogether, but is merely “calling for a major change in the behavior of the regime.” Washington has been spearheading the so-called “Assad must go” policy for years, naming it the main prerequisite for the situation in the war-torn country to miraculously improve. It has apparently walked away from the said policy after the Syrian government and its allies managed to liberate vast swathes of the country, and largely defeat the assorted militant groups.

Anonymous ID: 51dc99 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.5225997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Juncker Changes Rules So EU Commissioners Can Take Sides in Elections


European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker has changed the rules governing the political activity of European Union Commissioners, allowing them to actively campaign in the upcoming EU Parliament elections.


Formerly the EU Commission, an unelected body which acts as the bloc’s executive and is the sole initiator of EU-level laws, was regarded as technocratic rather than overtly political, and not supposed to take partisan political stances of its own volition — at least in theory.


But the new rules will allow the Commission to campaign with, endorse, and support candidates and parties ahead of the European Parliament elections set to be held in May, Il Giornale reports.


“From the beginning I wanted this Commission to have a political value: the Commissioners assume full ownership and political responsibility for all the Commission’s decisions,” Junker said, adding: “I expect them to fully and personally engage with the citizens, and actively participating in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament is an integral part of this commitment.”


Prior to the new rules, Commissioners have not been particularly shy about voicing their poltical opinions anyway, especially with respect to Italy’s populist coalition government, effectively led by Five Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio and League (La Lega) leader Matteo Salvini.


EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici has repeatedly slammed Italy over the past several months, even referring to populists across the continent as “little Mussolinis.”


In November, Moscovici even went as far as claiming that war could return to Europe if populists gain power across the continent, saying, “If we reintroduce divisions between us, North-South, East-West, and if national preference becomes Europe’s way of thinking, Europe will die… Without Europe, I’m sure the war can re-emerge here.”


The European Commissioner responsible for the budget, Günther Oettinger, has also made statements directed at Europe’s populists and conservatives in Italy, Poland, and Hungary, saying, “In my opinion, the [European Union] project approaches mortal danger… Some inside Europe want to weaken it or even destroy it.”


Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker is also no stranger to political statements against populists. Last June, Juncker declared the need to destroy populism before this year’s European Parliament elections, and later that year blamed populism for several EU member-states opting out of the controversial UN migration pact.

Anonymous ID: 51dc99 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.5226024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arab world outraged by humiliation at Warsaw conference


The Arab public believes their leaders attended the US-backed conference in Poland in a pre-planned scenario to normalize ties with Israel. A leaked video of the closed meeting shows Arab leaders play down the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and defend Israel's right to defend itself.

Anonymous ID: 51dc99 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.5226089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Ambassador Tony Kevin’s Plan to Free Assange


Tony Kevin, a former Australian ambassador, defends Julian Assange & WikiLeaks & reveals a plan to get him safely from Ecuador’s London embassy back to Australia. He is interviewed by CN Editor Joe Lauria for Unity4J.