Anonymous ID: d80405 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.5225754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5889

so one point that can be used to argue against the green new deal or at least cut its legs out from underneath it (in addition to its obvious absurdity) is to make democratic progressive voters aware of the fact that it mirrors what the Nazi party did in the 1930s. I don't think it has been discussed here and if it has sorry for duplicating.


key points:

  1. Hermann Flohn -climatologist from Frankfurt was the first one to talk about activity by humans being a climate factor aka global warming. worked for the german meteorological service and Luftwaffe.

2.nazi germany was the first regime backing a wind power program

3.they encouraged people not to eat meat, whole animal and holistic environmental thing going on

  1. very big on preserving ecological spaces and therefore infringing on private property rights.

5.hitler was interested in changing lifestyles and not politics


so comparing the current democratic party goals to the Nazis actually has some value and there is a firm justification for it. plus this whole no eating meat thing-protein is HUGE in human diets because it helps us grow and think. big player in dopamine and serotonin which affects our moods and mental clarity.


in short, they are comparable to Nazis and want us dumb and weak and you can prove it.