"At one point of the interview, Tharwat said Al-Shabab, Hezbollah, and Al-Qaeda are Arabic words that are showcased as wrong or evil. Omar replied while laughing, “These words don’t really mean anything evil right?”
When the host said “Al-Shabab” means the “Youth”, Omar laughed, implying that the terrorist organization that often recruits child soldiers and is responsible for killing thousands of innocent people in East Africa is harmless. In 2012, Al-Shabab pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda, the Islamic terrorist organization founded in 1988 by Osama bin Laden.
Omar and the host continued with their pro-terror tirade in which she minimized counter-terrorism terminology. “Or Madrasa. No one wants to go to Madrasa anymore even though it means school” Tharwat said as Omar giggled and laughed."