Q has said "You are watching a 'scripted' movie."
I think that means literally.
I believe that they are documenting many parts of the plan as it comes together, for an eventual documentary to be made laying out the full story in sequence with some interesting inside details that we are unaware of currently. There will be many instances of future proves past. The Trump rallies will be a major part of this. The video that keeps getting posted "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected" is like the trailer for the eventual documentary that will show the results of the plan and how it all came together. Normies will be able to see and understand what most of us already know, but in an easily absorbed medium. The story is so enthralling that everyone will watch, and understand how they were deceived by the cabal. To safeguard the future, much of this information must be made public to keep it in the minds of people for a generation.
Can't wait for the theatrical release!