That's adorable.
McFag is such a fool, he still thinks /their/ actions are justified. Same with Comey.
We dont want the clown campaigns to end immediately. Give /them/ a year to play themselves out as the fools /they/ are.
The police should be required to auction off their weapons to the public to pay their salaries and pensions. Disarm the police. Open carry.
What if it's a Federal "hate crime" and we have an FBI that actually works for the Trump Admin? jk
And 84-year old Elvis is Q.
First time on Qresearch I actually gto scared.
Faggot confirmed.
Justice must be served to MAGA. MUST.
The only issue is vote fraud. Purge the voting rolls, deport through e-verify and cutting off public benefits to illegals, build the wall. Bye@demoncrats.
They'll out-left each other until they have only 5% of the vote between them.
Even the fucking mountain lions are racist because Drumpfff!!!!
That's why love is the way rather than sex. Sex is literally for procreation.
The French are prone to revolutions, although not in memory - unless you count the liberation of Paris/France from the Nazis. They had many in the 18th-19th centuries.
That's about correct. He needs to be neutralized by federal de-funding and Awan.
Anybody who later says these current Q posts about Barr et al. arent predictive of actual habbenings really isnt looking or thinking. I predict Q will be written off very soon by a majority of anons if these habbenings dont start occurring forthwith.
Aping white culture, even the faggot parts.
First Ho to become President. Her live-in bf can be First Pimp.
Maybe this fake crime has been in the works for awhile. Think of all the leftard celebs who could get "beaten up by Trump supporters." Griffin, Maher, Moore, Arnold, DeNiro, an endless list really.
Well, it has been run by demoncrats for many decades.
She's really cringe-inducing.
There needs to be a white Marriage/Baby Boom for 20 years while most immigration is just shut down. That's the real way to MAGA.