Anonymous ID: 7472f9 Feb. 17, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.5232225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2329

>>5225299. My immediate impression is the lawyers are being directed by Harris and Booker to cast doubt in the truth. But without a doubt the Chicago police knew this was political from the beginning they dotted they i’s and crossed their t’s, after all they have been dealing with Emanuel for a long time. Plus it’s just an impression but I think Emmanuel has been warned about doing any more devious shit, so he may say I trust the police. If he doesn’t he’s opened up him and Obama to some shady stuff they’ve already done with O’s library. They are setting up Mollett as a lamb to the slaughter, he’s somewhat expendable, simply because they were all so sloppy with the set up. Yeah some will say, yeah the cops made this all up, but cops documented everything, did it by the book and they will be forced to release the records. Typical dem play even when caught accuse the other side. Me thinks I’m this scenario it’s gonna be a wake up call to the manipulated. At least that’s my immediate impression. I’m pretty sure Emmanuel has been warned. All of this intuition, no documentation, but this seems very similar to the Kavanaugh take down that they both were involved in, Harris and Booker should lose a lot of cred for pushing it.