Anonymous ID: 82cff6 Feb. 17, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.5232039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q has talked a lot about how the Democrats have been able to keep black Americans in a type of slavery through programs that undermine families and create dependence. I noticed something very disturbing when the movie "Vaxxed" came out. If you are not familiar with the film it presents the story of a repentant CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, who preserved evidence that the CDC deliberately committed research fraud in covering up a relationship between early administration of the MMR vaccine and the development of autism. The link was particularly strong for black boys. When the Vaxxed team reached out to a black politician in order to seek congressional action, the politicians office initially seemed helpful, but quickly distanced itself from the findings. I was shocked. Whoever got to that politician was able to.get them to ignore a vaccine safety problem that was apparently especially.damaging to black men. It's like Tuskeegee syphilis experimentation all over again. Strangely Louis Farrakhan listened to the Vaxxed team and even joined one of the protests at the CDC. The MSM is not friendly to Mr. Farrakhan, but as long as he is at least willing to speak out in protection of black men, I cannot wholly reject him. Though he is apparently Muslim his speaking is like a Bible preacher at times. If he is not allied with groups seeking to implement sharia or other unconstitutional efforts, I think he should be accorded a measure of respect. At least he is not so afraid of the deep state as to support the careless injection of dangerous vaccines into helpless babies.