Anonymous ID: b7ab39 Feb. 17, 2019, 4:42 p.m. No.5232110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2177

“How do you infiltrate the MSM?

[Example 1]

ABC NEWS exec producer Ian Cameron married to Susan Rice (Nat Sec Advisor - HUSSEIN)?

CBS NEWS/CNN Journ Bianna Vitalievna married to Peter R Orszag (Dir of Office of Mgmt/Budget - HUSSEIN)?

CBS NEWS president David Rhodes brother of Ben Rhodes (Del Nat Sec Advisor - HUSSEIN)?

ABC NEWS correspondent Claire Shipman married to Jay Carney (WH Press Sec - HUSSEIN)?


MSM = arm/extension of the [D] party?

Nothing to See Here.



Why don’t you talk about Fox or the Republican party hardly at all? What happened to “this is t about Left vs Right”? Good vs evil? Are you telling me the right isn’t doing anything right now? They’re just gladly helping POTUS?


Why are you allowing people like Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith get away with their BS? When will you guys deal with the Swamp on the right?