Miniaturised RFID
Programmable matter (inside/outside your body)
Neural interface (brain/body<==>digital)
Robots (are better than people?)
Internet (gather data + remote control)
Encrypted communications (blockchain)
Digital currency (cryptocurrency)
Cloud computing (hive)
Data processing (distributed)
Artificial Intelligence (distributed digital hive mind, encrypted communications, digital money)
Surveillance (total)
Image manipulation (real time)
Video manipulation (real time)
Sound manipulation (real time)
News manipulation (have you noticed?)
Virtual reality (digital)
Mixed reality (digital layer)
Fake reality (virtual=fake)
Whoever controls the past controls the future
Whoever controls the present controls the past
Where do we get our information?
Who controls the internet?
Can you control AI?
What is the singularity?
How much debt does the US have?
Exponential? (crash inevitable)
Replace "fiat money system" with crypto-currency ("Down with the Central Banks!")
Who controls the crypto-economy?
"Power to the people" (lie)
"The Great Awakening" (lies = truth)
"Where we go one, we go all" (hive mind)
Human + genetic modification + implants + connect AI = Digital Human
Reality + digital layer + real time data processing = Virtual Reality
Digital Human + Virtual Reality = Complete(ly) Control(led)
"Upgrade yourself"
God is real.
Jesus is real.
Satan is real.
The bible is true.
This has been prophesied.
Most people (still) don't know the truth.
Pride is a dangerous thing.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through Him.