Anonymous ID: 44aaa3 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.5233962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4273 >>4385 >>4591

Australia Parliament hack attack also hit LNP, ALP


Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the computer networks of political parties were also the targets of a recent foreign-based cyber hack of the parliament.


The computer networks of Australia's major political parties were also part by a sophisticated cyber attack by a "state actor" that affected the networks of federal parliament, the prime minister has confirmed.


Scott Morrison says an investigation into a breach of the Australian Parliament House network on February 8 found the networks of the Liberal, Labor and Nationals were also affected.


A "state actor" is believed responsible for the attack, Mr Morrison said.


Security sources indicated last week China could be the source.


"I do not propose to go into the detail of these operational matters, but our cyber experts believe that a sophisticated state actor is responsible for this malicious activity," Mr Morrison told parliament on Monday.


The prime minister says there is no evidence of any electoral interference.


But the government has put in place a number of measures to ensure the integrity of the electoral system regardless.


The Australian Cyber Security Centre is also available to help any electoral body or political party seeking support.


"We have acted decisively to protect our national interests," Mr Morrison said.


"The methods used by malicious actors are constantly evolving and this incident just reinforces yet again the importance of cybersecurity as a fundamental part of everyone's business."


A Liberal party spokesman said the party was "working closely with security agencies" on the matter.


In March 2011, it was reported China was suspected of accessing the email system used by federal MPs, advisers, electorate staff and parliamentary employees.


Mr Morrison's comments come after Senate President Scott Ryan confirmed there had been no more breaches of the federal parliamentary computer system since February 8.


Senator Ryan last week advised that there was no evidence that any data has been accessed, but that MPs and staff were required to change their passwords. Labor leader Bill Shorten said the attempted hacking is of "grave concern" and comes after attempted infiltration of democratic processes overseas, including in the United Kingdom and the United States.


"We cannot be complacent and, as this most recent activity reported by the prime minister indicates, we are not exempt or immune," he told parliament.

Anonymous ID: 44aaa3 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:28 p.m. No.5234004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anthony Migchels - Slavery was Replaced by Wage Slavery


"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


A clichĂŠ, and yet so pertinent.

So many people think that the struggle

against the New World Order

is about not becoming their slaves.


But we ARE already their slaves!


driving the common people off their ancestral lands by systematically destroying the abundant money systems of the medieval era by forcing Gold Standards everywhere.


This caused a deflation that first savaged the countryside.


In this way, the People lost their means of independence and were forced to work for others for a living, in the cities. Instead of being independent farmers and craftsmen, they were demoted to wage slavery.


By giving him a wage, immediately a large chunk of the value of the worker's production is taken by the shareholder. The value of the worker's production is always much higher than his wage.


With Multinationals, profits and shareholder dividends are typically higher than the cost for labor. More than half of the workers' production is taken by the owners of the company.

Anonymous ID: 44aaa3 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.5234071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4246 >>4385 >>4591

The Birth Of A Monster


The Federal Reserve’s doors have been open for “business” for one hundred years. In explaining the creation of this money-making machine (pun intended - the Fed remits nearly $100 bn. in profits each year to Congress) most people fall into one of two camps.


Those inclined to view the Fed as a helpful institution, fostering financial stability in a world of error-prone capitalists, explain the creation of the Fed as a natural and healthy outgrowth of the troubled National Banking System. How helpful the Fed has been is questionable at best, and in a recent book edited by Joe Salerno and me — The Fed at One Hundred — various contributors outline many (though by no means all) of the Fed’s shortcomings over the past century.


Others, mostly those with a skeptical view of the Fed, treat its creation as an exercise in secretive government meddling (as in G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island) or crony capitalism run amok (as in Murray Rothbard’s The Case Against the Fed).


In my own chapter in The Fed at One Hundred I find sympathies with both groups (you can download the chapter pdf here). The actual creation of the Fed is a tragically beautiful case study in closed-door Congressional deals and big banking’s ultimate victory over the American public. Neither of these facts emerged from nowhere, however. The fateful events that transpired in 1910 on Jekyll Island were the evolutionary outcome of over fifty years of government meddling in money. As such, the Fed is a natural (though terribly unfortunate) outgrowth of an ever more flawed and repressive monetary system.

Before the Fed


Allow me to give a brief reverse biographical sketch of the events leading up to the creation of a monster in 1914.


Unlike many controversial laws and policies of the American government — such as the Affordable Care Act, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or the War on Terror — the Federal Reserve Act passed with very little public outcry. Also strange for an industry effectively cartelized, the banking establishment welcomed the Fed with open arms. What gives?


By the early twentieth century, America’s banking system was in a shambles. Fractional-reserve banks faced with “runs” (which didn’t have to be runs with the pandemonium that usually accompanies them, but rather just banks having insufficient cash to meet daily withdrawal requests) frequently suspended cash redemptions or issued claims to “clearinghouse certificates.” These certificates were a money substitute making use of the whole banking system’s reserves held by large clearinghouses.


Both of these “solutions” to the common bank run were illegal as they allowed a bank to redefine the terms of the original deposit contract. This fact notwithstanding, the US government turned a blind eye as the alternative (widespread bank failures) was perceived to be far worse.


The creation of the Fed, the ensuing centralization of reserves, and the creation of a more elastic money supply was welcomed by the government as a way to eliminate those pesky and illegal (yet permitted) banking activities of redemption suspensions and the issuance of clearinghouse certificates. The Fed returned legitimacy to the laws of the land. That is, it addressed the government’s fear that non-enforcement of a law would raise broader questions about the general rule of law.


The Fed provided a quick fix to depositors by reducing cases of suspensions of their accounts. And the banking industry saw the Fed as a way to serve clients better without incurring a cost (fewer bank runs) and at the same time coordinate their activities to expand credit in unison and maximize their own profits.


In short, the Federal Reserve Act had a solution for everyone.


Taking a central role in this story are the private clearinghouses which provided for many of the Fed’s roles before 1914. Indeed, America’s private clearinghouses were viewed as having as many powers as European central banks of the day, and the creation of the Fed was really just an effort to make the illegal practices of the clearinghouses legal by government institutionalization.

Anonymous ID: 44aaa3 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.5234187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interview with a French Yellow Vest protester: “We will fight until the elites fall”


Exclusive interview with the French Yellow Vest ‘Pierre’ in Paris by Swedish journalist and writer Katerina Janouch.


(Pierre is not his real name – and he wants to remain anonymous because he is worried about otherwise risking his job). He wants change in France, and he has participated in most of the protests that the Yellow Vests have arranged in Paris.


Katerina asks how his dedication began. “I was tired of sitting at home doing nothing”, he says. “So, therefore, I went out into the streets when the Yellow Vest protests started a few months ago. It felt good to be involved and make a difference.”


Last weekend was messy, Pierre confirms, a group of maybe 100 Antifa supporters were looking to pick a fight. “They are useful idiots of the elite and the police ignore them, and at the same time they attack us peaceful protesters.”


“But there is also a difference in whom you come across. The regular cops are respectful, while the BAC (Brigade Anti Criminalité) are aggressive and don’t know how to handle the protesters.”


“They don’t wear official uniforms, but jeans and black helmets and they are the ones who use violence against ordinary unarmed people. Every time I see them, I cover my face because they shoot flash-balls and they also use other kinds of weapons that are lethal.”


“And there is no justice. One guy threw pâté at the police, he got four months in prison. For throwing pâté! While another who drove into the protesters with the intention of harming people only got a one month suspended sentence.”


“People with yellow vests are judged harder. They try to scare us as much as they can, they use violence and legal penalties against us citizens who protest against the abuse of power.”


Pierre develops his opinion on Macron and the goal of the French Yellow Vests: “Of course we want Macron to resign – but it is not enough to replace him, it is not the solution. For years we have elected different politicians but the result has been the same. They are traitors, they don’t do things that benefit the French people.”


“Macron’s agenda is complete. He was elected by the elite and he destroys France’s sovereignty. For example, it has been said that there is no French culture…”


Katerina breaks in: “A number of Swedish politicians have said that as well. That there is no Swedish culture.”


“It is because they want to wipe out the nation states”, says Pierre. “Weaken the unity of the people and thereby make it easy to control them.”


“Macron and his followers are globalists, they don’t care about the French people. When he was elected, it was as a result of something that could be likened to exhaustion.”

Anonymous ID: 44aaa3 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.5234273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>5233962 Australia Parliament hacked by STATE actor


"I do not propose to go into the detail of these operational matters, but our cyber experts believe that a sophisticated state actor is responsible for this malicious activity," Mr Morrison told parliament on Monday.


This is kind of huge baker prolly dropped before you got the dough

Anonymous ID: 44aaa3 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:50 p.m. No.5234377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4448

Australia's major political parties hacked in 'sophisticated' attack ahead of election


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has revealed Australia's political parties suffered cyber attacks alongside the Parliament House computer network several weeks ago by a "sophisticated state actor".


The announcement is likely to intensify speculation that China was behind the attacks, which come just three months before the federal election, though Mr Morrison said there was no evidence of election interference.


Sources are describing the level of sophistication as "unprecedented" but are unable to say yet which foreign government is behind the attack.


The attacks are understood to carry the digital fingerprints of China, though authorities are concerned that another state could be replicating the hallmarks of Chinese intelligence to deflect blame towards them.


Mr Morrison told Parliament on Monday that while investigating the parliamentary hack, cybersecurity authorities "also became aware that the networks of some political parties, Liberal, Labor and Nationals, have also been affected".


Security agencies "acted decisively to confront it", Mr Morrison said.


"Our cyber experts believe that a sophisticated state actor is responsible for this malicious activity."


Only four nations are thought to be capable of such a high-level attack: China, Russia, Israel and the United States.


The theft of any party or political material has echoes of the 2016 election interference campaign against the United States by Russia. The Democratic National Committee was hacked by Russia and damaging information was released during the presidential campaign.


Mr Morrison said the government had "put in place a number of measures to ensure the integrity of our electoral system".


"I have instructed the Australian Cyber Security Centre to be ready to provide any political party or electoral body in Australia with immediate support, including making their technical experts available," he said.


"They have already briefed the electoral commissions and those responsible for cyber security for all states and territories. They have also worked with global anti-virus companies to ensure Australia's friends and allies have the capacity to detect this malicious activity. We have acted decisively to protect our national interests."


The attack occurred just a few months before an election in May, raising fears that any theft of MPs’ and staffers’ private correspondence could be used for the purposes of election interference.


The Department of Parliamentary Services, which runs the parliamentary computer network used by MPs and their staff, has significantly upgraded its cyber security since it the system was breached in 2011, reportedly by Chinese intelligence agencies. In that breach, Chinese agents are understood to have potentially been reading MPs’ emails for months.


House Speaker Tony Smith and Senate President Scott Ryan issued a joint statement immediately after the cyber attack on Parliament earlier this month, saying there was no evidence any data had been accessed or taken.


Mr Morrison did not repeat this in his address to Parliament on Monday morning.