Anonymous ID: 59d7d8 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.5234289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4394


There are a couple types of shilling when it comes to the JQ, let me pull out a small list from my perspective.


The Anon Redpilled on JQ

The shill parading as Anon Redpilled on JQ contorting information that POTUS is in working for (((them)))

The Anon Redpilled but not on JQ

The shill parading as Anon Redpilled but not on JQ to discourage any serious investigation into it


This is one reason I believe we see a shitstorm with this topic. Shills see this as a sensitive topic and press both sides, manipulating and derailing the dialog from any meaningful sense.

But ask yourself, why would Q choose /pol/ of all places online? A landscaped riddled with this type of discussion?