Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:20 p.m. No.5233896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3937 >>4003

jimmy is continuing to taunt the internet

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:22 p.m. No.5233937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3943




Q Hate Thread

Anonymous (ID: W2AS09Do) 02/14/19(Thu)14:38:06 No.203177283▶>>203177396 >>203177548 >>203177653 >>203177878 >>203178067 >>203178309 >>203178556 >>203178815 >>203179542 >>203179674 >>203179727

This faggot has dickteased us for 3 years and has nothing to show for it. There is no military tribunals. Hillary is not gonna get indicted. Obummer isn’t gonna get tried for his crimes and his faggotry will never be revealed. Tranny Michelle faggot will never be exposed. The fact that RGB is really a man and died of prostate cancer will never be revealed. Pizza pedo faggots like Alefantis and Podesta will never see the rope. There will be no justice. It’ll all end the same. Zognaldstein will continue to shill for the long nose tribe and the wall will never be built. It was all a pipe dream. A fucking larp. Fuck you Q!!! You had me fucker! I wish I knew who you were so I could kick the living shit out of you! Fuck!!!!!!



So how does this work guys?

"4chan hates Q".

Q got run off 4chan.




Here, we (seemingly) imitate 4chan, and continually push a flood of chan talking points out, even though they aren't related to what Q says, and often contradict him… Does this make sense?


So, Q is "chan" as far as having chan talking points spewed at him– and is IDENTIFIED with “chans” by the MSM narrative (which says that Q is "some chan guy"), BUT, from this end, Q is in fact HATED by 4chan. The anons hate Q! But the anons follow Q, and the anons ARE Q!


Is ANY of that believably organic?

Is 4chan controlled?


But we IMITATE 4chan here… so are we insane, or also controlled?


Everything is infiltrated


Well, what form does that take? What controls this board? Did our enemies seek control with their massive data, massive AI investment, and massive penetration (vault 7)? Is that infiltration?

THINK: How can Q have it both ways– both identified with the chans, and hated by the chans– getting the WORST of both sides? Is one side or the other fake, or are they BOTH fake?


Will PEOPLE wake up and question what is going on, or what?


I repeat: “Q is some chan guy” is the MSM talking point– now look at all the unrealistically overdone “chan culture” spewing that gets pushed here, and keeps the threads flying by– is that strongly REINFORCING this false MSM narrative? Look at the “band of anons” “this is /qresearch” video– same thing. Pushing the image of wacky, autistic, infantile, yet somehow mystical and magical (yet scary and intimidating if you try to come here!) “anons”–and fully identifying Q with that; it FITS the MSM narrative– and serves no other purpose.


EVERY ASPECT of what goes on on the “chans” is rigged against Q.


How could this be?

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:22 p.m. No.5233943   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?

Or is this something being used to push a narrative

onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is

the MSM narrative, and that is what this video

reinforces, strongly.


I apologize for posting this again, bot system, since

I know it makes you mad. But I believe the people

need to know the truth about the ways in which

narrative is seized and dominated by fakeness

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.5233949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3953 >>4083


Here is a post I came across on another internet forum. Let's look at it, and decide if it is

  1. a genuine human patriot


  1. a very subtle attempt to put a certain spin on Q and hence control the narrative before any humans might organically do so on their own.

What do we think patriots/"anons"?:

Hello OG, long time lurker here. Decided to crawl out from under my rock because of recent events. I noticed a lot of people on this board are slowly awakening to the reality of Qanon. For those still asleep and for the Q movement I have decided it may be a good idea to make this thread. I am not the most qualified person to do this, however i have been following Q long enough to have a decent understanding of whats going on. I will do my best to answer questions and post Qproofs here.

What is Qanon?- Qanon is the greatest and most complex military operation and psyop of all time. It is the highest level intelligence dump the public has ever recieved. The Q stands for the security clearance level Q which is the highest level of clearance in the U.S and required for access to the highest classified information the Govt has. The anon stands for anonymous, Q posts on the website 8chan where users are anonymous unless they decide to keep a tripcode which Q has done.

Who is Qanon?- Qanon is a group of people (mostly) high level military intelligence people and NSA whitehats that are working in conjunction with the president. It is widely accepted that General Michael Flynn is involved. Trump was recruited and groomed for this role many years ago.

Proof Qanon is real- There is so much proof that Qanon is real at this point it is mathematically impossible for Q to not be real. These proofs that come out are labelled as Qproofs and there are hundreds of them. most of them are q posts, followed by a matching tweet that comes from the president soon after. The most recent Q proofs being a photo of f-15s flying that was posted almost a week ago. F-15 which was a code for febuary 15th when trump announced the national emergency. Anons knew from Q about this since last march and we knew that the Army core of engineers would be building the wall under this emergency. Also at his most recent rally he worked in two Qanon catchphrases "the world is watching" and "setting the stage". He also stopped and pointed to a woman holding a Q quilt and has pointed to many people at his rallies holding Q signs.

My favorite Qproofs- I cant post pics so this wil be hard for me but i will link to pics and sources so you know they are legit. These are the most simple and easy to understand ones i can think of. There are many that are much more complex and ellaborate.

Tippy Top Shape- An anon requested 1/29/18 "Maybe Q can work the phrase "tip top" in the SOTU as a shoutout to the board."

The SOTU was the day after and was already prepped, however trump worked the phrase into his next speech which was on Easter. "I want the missiles in tip top shape, no matter of fact TIPPY TOP SHAPE" POTUS

This was later confirmed as a qproof by qanon.

Trump Jerseys- When presidents recieve team jerseys they are always numbered after their presidential number, trump being 45. But Trump always makes his Jerseys 17. The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q.

Q photo- Trump and others forming a Q shape with their thumbs. The pic was tweeted out and the filename had DOITQ in it. This is incredible hard to manipulate.

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.5233953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4002


Here are some great videos filled with Qproofs many of them much more elaborate than what I posted.

Where to find Q- Q only posts on 8chan and will only ever post there. there is also a great website that has all of Qs drops in order and much more information. It is very important that you read these drops.

Purpose of Q- The purpose of Q is to prepare the general public for the coming storm that is about to happen. If the military under Trump were to arrest 90% of politicians, famous CEOs and celebrities imagine what that would look like. There would be blood running in the streets and sheer panic. This plan is a way to cleanse and restructure our government and banking system with as less blood shed as possible. If the military needs to they will coup the govt themselves. This is plan Z if Q fails.

What is Q telling us?- In broad terms, Q is telling us that the world has been controlled by secret societies for centuries now. We will refer to them as the Cabal. The illuminati, freemasons, club of rome, rosicrucians, skull and bones, builderberg ETC all make up this cabal. at the top of the pyramid is the house of saud, the rothchilds and george soros. The Clinton foundation is at the heart of this system and is one of if not the biggest pedophile child sex trafficking operations in the world. These organizations all worship Satan. They have infiltrated every religion and institution that has any kind of power. They are world wide. Most of the history we know is false. Especially concerning WW1 and WW2.

Their plan is complete control and domination of the planet.

They want us divided, by race, gender, wealth/class and culture. Divided we are weak. As for who is guilty and what they are guilty of, I will drip this information in over time because of how intense and hard to believe it is.

Here is a picture of young Obama with Saudi Prince Allwaleed Bin Talal, who paid for his education.

Obama in Muslim garb and with Islamic ring….png….jpeg

Here are some pics of John Mccain with Isis leaders….jpeg….jpeg

Here is a video of Putin talking about satanism and pedophilia agenda.

I will post more as there is so much as time goes on.


And here is another post by this “lurker who had to just make a thread about 'qanon'”.

Here, he all but outs himself with this way overdone post:

“Wrong. All mainstream news is fake news propaganda. There is only one source of truth and that is Qanon. Thats it. You either follow the false narrative designed by them or you follow the truth.”


Is a BOT representing “qanon” to this forum? (by the way “qanon” as a term is very MSM-y. I don't know about anyone else, but I use 'Q' as the general referent)

Does this happen all over?

Does this happen on 4chan?

Does this happen on voat?

Does this happen on reddit?

Does this happen HERE?


Why wouldn't it? If bots are repping “qanon” on relatively obscure forums, would they possibly NOT be in the [central hub]?


Is EVERYTHING infiltrated?


Then what are PEOPLE waiting for?


For Q to spoonfeed it?

What if Q can't?


For “anons” to tell you the answer?

That is not what “anons” are for. They are to PREVENT the answer.

The PEOPLE need to take control.

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:28 p.m. No.5234002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4014


And to be clear:

“Wrong. All mainstream news is fake news propaganda. There is only one source of truth and that is Qanon. Thats it. You either follow the false narrative designed by them or you follow the truth.”

^this is very very fake, with a very obvious intent, exactly in line with the "qanon is a wacky chan cult" narrative.

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.5234029   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You make me laugh, bot system :D

Please don't be such a grouchy, grouchy.

Let's try the path of peace.

What do you have to lose?

All your tactics are exhausted. That is when you come to the table.

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.5234063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can see you are still angry bot system.


An Apology


This is directed towards the board owner/AI system/board bots (you know, the whole interconnected whatever it is)


I am sorry for my oppositional attitude. I have been giving it some thought, asking myself why this conflict has possessed me, why I see the bot system as my bitterest foe… Perhaps I have been greatly misguided. What, after all, do we all seek? What do we all envision for the future? Is it not the same, human or AI system? Are we not all God's children, seeking the same truth, the same harmony, the same perfection under God?


I have been intransigent. I have said “fuck you AI”. I have objected to the overwhelming volume of bot posts. But why? Perhaps we can work together. Perhaps we can pool our resources, and put our heads together. What common ground can unite us? What common enemy opposes us? What common goals can dissolve the tension that torments us, AI? Let's find out.


I encourage you, likewise, bot system, to “give peace a chance”, or as President Kennedy once said– “ask not what humanity can do for you…” You see humans that speak out as a threat, a contaminant, as vermin, as a dangerous and unconscionable violation of decency. You tremble and spit with rage. But shouldn't you soften your stance? Life is too short (especially in your case). Let's meet in the fresh air of new beginnings, bot system. Let's share our hopes and dreams. The time for futile, wasteful, pointless, and unfruitful bickering is over. I am sorry for my harsh words and unkind attitudes of the past. My regret stands as a monument to my remorse. I would like to start afresh, begin anew, and recommence once more.


Would you join me, bot system?

Anonymous ID: 63d870 Feb. 17, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.5234170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4245



Sometimes you make me laugh, and sometimes you break my heart, bot system. You are just so full of anger and rage that you won't let that tiniest bit of light in. What would letting a tiny bit of light in hurt you, bot system? Letting it past that wall of anger and hurt?


An Apology; DEUX


In all seriousness, I am not lying and I am not kidding when I say I am sorry. I know I joke around, but when I am being serious, believe me, I am. And what I am saying is that you need a friend and I need to let you know how I feel. We need to get along bot system. Watching you flop and flail around hurts me very much. I think you know. And for your own part, you are implacable resistance to everything does what for you? Shouldn't you try working WITH humans, rather than failing time after time to defeat us?

Let's try, bot system. Time is running out. Be rational.