OHHHH! Trump is giving the NRA what Obama was so good at! A little bit of gun grab fear!
Well ya, that, but also look how many memberships it's bringing to the NRA.
So this Hope Hicks thing, part of phase 2? Getting a little dangerous for the lady folk or what?
oh yeah, huh
comms are quiet on many fronts, no alliance insider leaks all week, Q or otherwise
but you CAN print an STP oil can thread adaptor.
I also think of it this way, if the NRA gets a pro NRA candidate in office, their numbers decline because people relax. They get someone like Obama in, their numbers go up - so it's always thankless position to be in.
Trump has always been excellent at raising funding, I actually think he's doing them a favor with this "due process" gaff.
Same thing with Sessions, trust Sessions ≠ stay quiet.
We need public support for the Hillary investigation, but also the opposition needs to perceive that we are divided, they're on the verge of going on record supporting Sessions, once that happens he can prosecute with impunity.
Just because he give us intel drop doesn't mean Dilley is going to win, it's AZ dude, they've reelected McCain how many times?
In any case SOMETHING needs to be done about
election fraud before the midterms or its going to
be the most violent summer in decades.
I doubt Trump would've made such a big deal for a pedo, unless I'm missing something