Anonymous ID: 5f3e21 Feb. 28, 2018, 11:17 p.m. No.523785   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3844


yep, I am also quite sure that at times, Q and team are disguised anons randomly "discovering" connections or critical information just in the nick of time. I came into this with no idea the chan sites even existed so I did nothing but observe, and one of the strongest abilities of mine is that of recognition….patterns, grammar, body language, anything having to do with social actions/interactions. I don't believe in coincidences. But I do feel the elation from Q and team when an anon(s) are able to be quoted in the map, verified, and given that special Q response variant upon nothing more than the grammar the anon quoted uses to place the suspected connection up for review and answer.

Anonymous ID: 5f3e21 March 1, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.524094   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4133 >>4152 >>4157


I don't normally "speak for everyone" and I came into the fold quite late, but the thought crosses my mind that the feelings of belonging, having a true purpose, having true listening individuals who no matter the obvious anonymity and highly likely difference in race, age, gender, after so many years of inequality, lack of acknowledgment for desire to be an active contribution to life and it's continuity only to be held back by a system rigged to force failure, to force choice based on not desire but necessity due to others desires, after all the misery and pain, be it personal or empathically shared, be it felt from news stories from afar designed to istall those feelings, or be it felt from an event which happened right in front of my (our, we go as 1) very eyes only to later be completely surpassed and forgotten by yet the next occurence and no longer remembered by those whom continued to be subjected to unrelentless news until they too became numb and simply clung to the memories only they seemed to be the archiver of, after being taught a historical context only aimed at the benefit of an agenda disguised cleverly to portray pride of unification among individuals of even then already established forced division via selfishness, greed, or just pure benevolence toward a particular aspect defining any particular targetted race who's visual uniqueness, which is a wonderful thing but made to seem horrible through lies, false accusations, and arrogant willing belief of superiority…..the feeling as I write this I could continue on well after this whole thing is over and done with, resolved and allowed to be let go of so the numbness fades and the movement forward can ensue….the feelings of belonging, having a true purpose, having true listening individuals who no matter the obvious anonymity and highly likely difference in race, age, gender, after so many years of inequality, lack of acknowledgment for desire to be an active contribution to life and it's continuity, even now, before the final resolution expected when every time it came along to visit upon knowing deep inside that it was deserved only to have it ripped away by society because it threatened to install enjoyment, the hope which too many no long know what is because it only amplified the effects to have before it was ripped away……..nothing is more important than those feelings those experiences of natural, instictive based elation without the artificial habit forming bullshit peddled legally by means of law protecting only the lawmakers profit……the last 3 months before I wrote this and where I am writing this and why….to have instantly felt those just simply first discovering this new home…that is what I would like portrayed. Thank you anons, POTUS, Q, and team….it's nice to have a home again for this time we shall share here. And I hope these feelings will be allowed to be felt by others unaware or disbelieving as they were made to be when it's all over. May they have this experience to, it is rightfully theirs as well.

Anonymous ID: 5f3e21 March 1, 2018, 12:43 a.m. No.524202   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I get a feeling the shutdowns were to make sure they ALL knew that POTUS and team knew, and they were told the movie must be made………I have not been watching the actions lately, but I bet they are ALL acting now and doing so because of what they themselves were guilty of……show must go on so the awakening can happen in a controlled fashion.


I am reminded of back during the first few months after election…an incident where POTUS knew he was on cam and visually grabbed another persons arm so he could take the front spot, and by his actions, his face, he was pissed because it was not supposed to happen that way..POTUS was supposed to walk in front….kinda like it was a practice session, stage was set, action was called, and "FFS, this isn't a game!!! Know your role, fucker!!"…..that's what I nurse inside my heart.

Anonymous ID: 5f3e21 March 1, 2018, 12:58 a.m. No.524262   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Seems like and obvious move to throw off track, but the flipside sticks out to me…seems like a move to show "someone" who may be watching the insensitivity of the MAGA crew…smh….I didn't watch the vid, didn't check the numbers, but can tell you now, if OP had ability to get here, post what might be vicious attack, show sensitivity levels for whoever, and then there is the language…"shithole country" can't get more obvious……I am gonna enjoy knowing these people are gonna suffer.

Anonymous ID: 5f3e21 March 1, 2018, 1:05 a.m. No.524292   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I would like to know what they do to the one's who fail to be programmed for whatever reason, as I am almost positive I was one they could not break and am the way I currently am because they did it to me.